“Just because the guy’s a jailbird doesn’t mean his statement is going to get thrown out, does it?” Vince asked.

“Not at all. But I need to make sure he’s telling the truth.”

“Oh, he’s telling the truth, because like we said, Earl wanted Nora to have that land.”

Ben looked at Vince a little longer than necessary. The older man held his gaze for a few seconds, then looked away.

“I hope you understand, this isn’t about the money,” Nora said. She smiled ruefully, but Ben noted the nervousness behind it.

Lady, it’s always about the money. “May I ask what you plan to do with the land?”

“Not that it’s any of your business, but we’re going to sell it,” Vince said. “You got any problems with that?”

“Not at all.” He stood. “I’ll be in touch in the next couple of days.”

“That’s it?” Nora looked relieved that the appointment was over.

“That’s it,” Ben said, giving her a professional smile meant to reassure her. He’d dealt with skittish clients before, but she seemed edgier than most. He’d love a chance to speak to Nora alone, without her boorish husband glued to her side, but he doubted Vince would allow it. He said his goodbyes and found his own way out the door.

His cell phone rang. It was his personal office line. “Yeah?”

“Yes, sir, it’s me, Gavin.” As if Ben wasn’t already aware of who’d called. He went on to fill Ben in on a problem at the bank and then explained how he’d already taken care of it.

“If it’s all under control, then why are you wasting my time with this?”

“Um, I just wanted to make sure you were aware of everything that goes on in the business.”

“Then you thought wrong. I only want to know when something’s not right. Speaking of which, I have a situation up here with the Earl Handy case that I need one of the investigators on ASAP.”

“Yes! Right away, sir! Um…since this is Martinez and Martinez business, should I cc Joan on this?”

“Sure. What I need is an info dump on a guy named Doug Wentworth. He was the city manager here in Whispering Bay until this past June. Up until a couple of days ago, he was in the Santa Rosa County jail on a burglary charge but he’s been moved closer here to the Walton County facility.”

“Roger that, sir. I’ll have Perkins start on it right away.”

Perkins wasn’t the firm’s lead investigator but he was an ex-cop and the perfect person for this particular job. Good to know Gavin was getting the hang of things. Not that Ben was going to tell him that. No use in the kid getting a big head simply because he’d gotten something right.

“Is there anything in particular you want to know about this Doug Wentworth person, sir?”

“I want to know everything. Including who’s been visiting him in jail.”

Because the last thing Ben needed was a client who was lying to him.

* * *

Jenna laid down the novel she’d been trying to read and turned off the lights. It was still early, only nine p.m., but she had a big day tomorrow.

Why had she agreed to have a drink with Ben? It must have been the endorphin high from running. Her mother was right. Running couldn’t be good for her. Besides scrambling her ovaries, it was also juggling around her brain cells.

Whatever the reason that had made her say yes, she

had no choice now. She could call and cancel, except she hadn’t thought to get his number. He hadn’t asked for hers either, which was pretty sneaky of him. What kind of guy invited you for a drink but didn’t make sure you had his number?

A guy who didn’t want you to cancel, that’s who.

Why had he pushed for this little meeting? It wasn’t like they were real friends so his wanting to “catch up” seemed strange.

Her cell phone vibrated. She picked it up to glance at the screen. Oh boy. Just the person she most wanted to talk to. And most wanted to avoid as well.