“Do you know why I asked you to be my study partner that day in calculus class?”

“Because I took more notes than anyone else?”

“That’s only part of the reason. You were so focused on Dr. Parrish’s lecture that you never once noticed that the guy sitting to your left was hitting on you.”

Jenna blinked. “There was a guy sitting on the other side of me?”

He smiled a little. “When you really want something you have this uncanny ability to zone everything else out. You’re a winner, Red. I knew that the moment I met you. Then there was the way you challenged me with that calculus problem. I think I fell a little bit in love with you right then and there.” He paused. “Plus, I really didn’t want Melanie for a study partner.”

“Her name was Melissa.”

He laughed.

“Ben? I’d like to answer your question now.”

“What question?”

“You asked me the other day if I would give you another chance?”

He nodded solemnly.

She could answer him one of three ways.

She could go with something flimsy, that would let her save face.

Sure we can try again! No big deal if it doesn’t work out.

Or she could go with a semi-honest version.

Okay, but just one more chance. So don’t blow it.

Or she could go with the absolute truth.

“I love you, Ben. More than I loved you thirteen years ago but probably not as much as I’ll love you thirteen years from now. So, yes, I’ll give you another chance. I’ll give you all the chances you need because you’re the best guy, period.”

He kissed her then, slow and sweet. When they came up for air, his voice was husky. “I need to talk to your father. Or your mother. Or both.”


“Yeah.” He grinned. “Apparently, that’s still a thing.”

Jenna laughed. “Oh my God, my mom is going to blow a gasket!” She pulled out her cell phone. Marsha Pantini answered on the first ring.

“Honey, are you all right? Viola says that some madman held you hostage in the city hall building!”

“It wasn’t just me, Mom. The mayor and the city attorney were with me. But we managed to outwit him.”

“Of course you did! I didn’t raise you to graduate summa cum laude for nothing. Is anyone hurt?”

“No, thank God.”

“Still, your father and I are getting i

n the car this minute to—

“No need, Mom. I’m actually going to come down this weekend to visit.”

“Oh, honey, are you sure?”