“This is Jenna Pantini,” she said trying not to sound winded.

“Your aunt Viola told me an old boyfriend of yours from college is in Whispering Bay.”

She’d been expecting this, only not quite this soon. “Hey, Mom.”

“Why did I never know you’d dated someone named Ben?” asked Marsha Pantini.

“Because I never—never mind. What did Viola tell you?” Jenna resumed jogging.

“Just that she met a man named Ben, a lawyer,” her mother said this part with an added gusto of approval, “and that you knew each other in college and that it was very obvious to her that the two of you had something.”

They had something all right, but it was nothing her mother would want to know about, that’s for sure.

“And this information warranted a phone call because?”

“Because you’re thirty-one going on thirty-two and I’m never going to get any grandchildren unless you get moving, that’s why.”

“I’m moving right now.”

“What are you doing? You sound breathy.”

“I’m running.”


; “All that bouncing around can’t be good for your ovaries.”

“You have two grandchildren, Mom. Or have you forgotten about them?”

“That’s different. They’re from your brother. I want grandchildren from you.”

“I’m thirty-one, not fifty-one.”

“Yes, but these things take time. First you have to meet a man and then actually go out with him. So tell me about this Ben person. Viola says he’s an attorney from Miami and that he’s very good-looking. She also said he asked you out and you turned him down flat. What? Are there so many good-looking available professional men asking you out that you can afford to snub one of them?”

She was on mile three of her run. The sweat was now dripping off the tip of her nose and the back of her T-shirt was plastered to her skin, but she’d gladly run all the way to Alaska if it meant avoiding this phone call from her mother. Just keep running… Just keep running… “Did Viola also tell you that he’s representing a client who’s trying to do something that isn’t in the city’s best interests?”

“What does that have to do with anything?”

“I’m the city manager, Mom. So it has everything to do with everything.”

There was a pause. “Your aunt says that Luke and that Sarah person are now a couple.”

Ah, a new tactic. Well done, Mom.

The Luke in question was Mimi’s older brother, Luke Powers. Luke’s mother and Aunt Viola had tried their best to set Jenna up with Luke when she’d first come to town, but neither of them had been interested in one another. Luke and Sarah Jamison from The Bistro were now happily living together and according to Mimi, even though the relationship was young, a proposal wasn’t far from coming. Jenna liked them both and was incredibly happy for them.

“Yep. They most certainly are a couple.”

“You missed that boat, all right.”

“Mom, is there anything else you want to talk about?”

“No, I just wanted to check in and see how you were doing.”

“I’m doing great.”

Her mother made a huffing sound of disbelief under her breath. “So, if anything comes up with this Ben, you’ll let me know.”