“Daddy?” Lauren whispered. “Don’t you know who am I?”

He looked at her again. But this time all Lauren could see was the same glazed stare Earl had given her just a couple hours ago. “Are you here to take my order?” he asked her.

“No, I’m not. Daddy, look at me. It’s Lauren.”

Tears pooled in her eyes, making her vision hazy. She had thought the day Daddy had been diagnosed was the worst day of her life. A sure ten on that scale of bad days. But she was wrong. That day had been awful, no doubt. But this was the day she’d been dreading the most. It was the first time since the whole thing had begun, that Daddy didn’t recognize her.

He took another sip of his water, then glanced back at the paper. Lauren took a seat next to him. Her hand shook as she reached out to place it over his. They sat there for a few minutes, neither of them saying anything. Despite the shade provided by the overhanging patio umbrella, it was hot. Her shirt clung to the damp skin of her back. Somewhere in the distance, she heard a car pull up in the driveway. It was Momma. She came around the back garage entrance.

“Lord, almighty! You’d think they were giving away food at the Piggly Wiggly!” She carried two bags of groceries in her hands. She stopped when she spotted Lauren. “Well, hi, sweetie! What are you doing here at this time of day? Is everything all right at the shop?” Before Lauren could answer, she said, “Dan, get up and give me a hand with these groceries.”

And just like that, Daddy was himself again. Or at least, he seemed to be. “Let me get th

at,” he said to Momma, reaching out to take the grocery bags from her. He glanced around, saw Lauren, and smiled. “Sweet Tea! What are you doing here?”

Lauren forced a smile. “I…came to see you, Daddy.”

“You did? What about?”

She walked alongside him and helped him with the rest of the groceries and told him about her plan to buy the land from Nora. She spoke slowly and from time to time he nodded, like he understood what she was saying.

“I think that’s a smart plan, Sweet Tea.”

“You…do? You don’t think I’m being reckless with my trust fund money?”

“You’re investing in yourself, and there’s nothing reckless about that.” He winked at her. “Besides, it’s the only parcel of land Nora can sell. When Earl dies the rest of his land goes to the city to be made into public beach access, and when that happens, your land will be the only lot available for private development. A fine investment if I ever saw one.”

Lauren pulled him into a tight hug. “Thank you, Daddy. I needed to hear that from you.”

“Any time,” he said with a smile.

She smiled back, but it felt bittersweet. Today had been a horrible glimpse into the future. One she wasn’t certain she was strong enough to get through.


Nate was about to see his last two patients of the day, when Doc showed up at the office.

“You look pretty good for someone who was too sick to come into work this morning,” Nate said. Considering Doc still wore his golf clothes, Nate didn’t think he was too out of line.

Doc shrugged like a kid caught playing hooky. Not that he had anything to be embarrassed about. It was Nate who should feel embarrassed. Doc had had to pretend to be sick, all to foist him on patients who didn’t want to see him. It was humiliating at best.

“Nate, have a seat. How’s it going?” Doc asked. It had been a while since their last “talk.” Nate had hoped there wouldn’t be any more. Apparently, he was wrong.

He knew the drill by heart now. He took a seat and braced himself for what came next.“I hear your mother’s joining us on the cruise. Lovely idea, and Arlene is just thrilled.”

“No offense, Phillip, but can we just cut to the chase here?”

Doc nodded somberly. “Did you know that Frances Kiefer has been my patient for almost twenty years now? She came to see me yesterday. Tears in her eyes, clutching a handkerchief. All distraught.” He paused. “She really is quite a character.”

Nate shifted in his seat. “I see. So, she’s complained about me again?”

“Complained? No, not exactly. She came to see me to tell me she’s switching doctors. After all these years, can you believe that?”

Nate felt his gut tighten. “She’s going to a practice in Panama City?”

“Oh, no, she’s staying right here in town. She was sniffling because she was afraid I’d get my feelings hurt when I found out she’s switching to you.”

“To me?”