“In that case, I need to go by Doc Morrison’s office to pick up an immunization form so Cameron can play soccer.”

Doc Morrison was Whispering Bay’s only medical doctor. Most of the town’s population drove to nearby Panama City or Destin for their medical care, but there was a staunchly loyal core of the community who wouldn’t dream of going to anyone but Doc Morrison. Including the Grant family. To Allie’s surprise there was a new and familiar name on the office door.

Dr. Nathanial Miller, MD, Family Practice.

Holy Cow. Nate Miller, another blast from the past. Allie had gone to high school with Nate. She knew he’d gone to medical school but she had no idea he’d moved back home to practice.

The waiting room was packed with a mixture of senior citizens, children, and everything else in between. Mimi went to the front desk to get the paperwork she needed. They were about to leave with the forms when Allie came up with an idea. She pulled out a business card, scribbled on the back of it, and handed it through the little glass window to the receptionist. “Would you mind giving this to Dr. Miller? I went to high school with him and I’d like to pick his brain about something.”

The receptionist stared at the card for a few seconds then smiled politely. “Sure.”

“What was that all about?” Mimi asked once they were back in the car.

Allie shrugged. “Just a long shot.”

Ten minutes later, she got a call from Nate Miller. He was about to break for lunch and wanted to get together to talk over old times. They agreed to meet at The Bistro by the Beach. She’d no sooner hung up on Nate that her cell phone rang again.

“You’re popular,” Mimi joked.

Allie glanced at her phone screen. The number was blocked.

“Hello,” she said tentatively.

“Is this Allison Grant?” asked a gravelly voice.

Allie’s heart did a somersault. It was the voice from the Sunshine Ghost Society recording.

“Yes, this is she.”

“Phoebe Van Cleave, here. President and current top investigator for the Sunshine Ghost Society.”

“Van Cleave?”

“Roger’s little sister. He’s already filled me in on your ghost. Please tell me you haven’t been foolish enough to have contacted any other agencies.”

“You’re the only one. So far,” Allie admitted.

“Excellent!” Phoebe’s voice dropped. “Are you alone? Can you talk freely?”

Allie glanced at Mimi who was looking at her with a what’s going on face.

“Yes, I can speak freely.”

“Because it’s imperative that you keep this between us,” Phoebe said. “Lots of kooks out there. Yes, siree. But here at the Sunshine Ghost Society we’re strictly one hundred percent legit. If this ghost is a fake, we’ll know right away and that’s what you want, right? To know if this is a legitimate haunting? Or are you one of those journalists who don’t care if the story is for real? One of those hacks who’ll print anything for a nickel?”

“Of course I want to know if this for real.”

“Don’t get all huffy. I was just testing you. If you’re a legitimate journalist then the Sunshine Ghost Society is who you’re looking for. You won’t find anyone better than us.”

There was something about this Phoebe Van Cleave that Allie didn’t like. Of course, it was probably the threatening know-it-all tone to her voice. But Phoebe seemed eager to investigate. Other agencies might not be available. Plus, there was the time factor to consider. As in, Allie didn’t have a lot of that.

“Is there a fee involved?”

“No fee,” Phoebe said quickly. “We receive our payment in knowing that we’ve helped someone from the other side make contact. It’s what we live for.”

“Okay,” Allie said. “I guess that sounds all right. So what happens now? I have permission to stay inside the building tonight but it’s scheduled for demolition tomorrow morning.”

“Tomorrow? That doesn’t give us much time.”