Allie didn’t have to ask what he thought her chances of landing a job against that were. Not with a ghost story that was proving to be as flimsy as air. “I thought maybe I’d write an article about my experience at a séance.”

Roger looked even more skeptical.

“Or maybe not.” She thought about what he’d said, about Concerned Citizen having a personal reason to want her in town. But the only person she could think that would want her in town would be…

“You know, maybe there is someone who would want me here badly enough to write that letter,” Allie said. “My sister-in-law’s always going on about how much she wants me to move back home. But if Mimi wanted me back in town all she’d have to do is ask me. Not write a letter under the guise of some ghost haunting.”

“You sure about that?”

“If I’ve learned anything this week, it’s that I’m not sure about anything.”

“All those years in the business taught me that when my gut tells me something, it’s usually right. I’ve been watching you. You got those instincts, too.” He winked at her and Allie caught a glimpse of the man he’d been at fifty. No wonder Janice had married him after just three dates. Roger Van Cleave was not only smart, he was charming.

“Thank you.” She reached out and hugged him.

Correction: You hugged friends, puppy dogs, and kindred spirits.

Who would have thought Roger Van Cleave would turn out to be all three?


“So, no ghost story?” Allie hated hearing the disappointment in Emma’s voice but it was way past time she filled her editor in on what was going on.

“No ghost story. No séance,” Allie said. “Sorry, but it just didn’t pan out.”

“What are you going to do? Ben is expecting your portfolio by the end of next week.”

“I’m not giving up on the job, if that’s what you mean. I’ll figure something out.”

“You’re so good at connecting with your readers. Write from the heart, Allie. It’s what you do best. You’ll find your story. You know I’m rooting for you.”

“Thanks, Emma. That means a lot.”


At noon, Allie met up with Zeke as planned and they headed off to the courthouse in nearby Panama City. Thankfully, the process of getting her license reinstated was relatively simple. Expensive, but not complicated.

“I hope this teaches you to read the fine print from now on,” Zeke said, dropping her back off at the house.

“Yes, Daddy.”

“Don’t be a smart ass.” He glanced at his watch. “Tell Mimi I’ll meet her at the football game.”

Yikes. Allie had almost forgotten about tonight’s game. And more importantly, what would be happening after the game. As in, Claire’s big confession. “You’re taking separate cars?”

“Mimi has to get Claire there an hour early. Plus, she’s manning the refreshment booth so she’s got to set up.”

“Wow. Mimi really has her hands full, huh?”

“Tell me about it. And now she’s come up with this cockamamie scheme to run for mayor.”

Allie felt her hackles bristle. “I think Mimi would make an awesome mayor.”

“Sure she would. When they invent a forty-hour day.”

“When did you become such a Cro-Magnon?” She’d actually wanted to call him a prick, but considering all he’d done for her it wouldn’t have been very gracious. Still. Her brother was turning into someone she hardly recognized.

“Just being realistic,” Zeke said. He waved goodbye and took off in his cop car.