“Does Henry spend a lot of time here?” she asked.

“As much time as I can get with him.”

She smiled again, only this time the smile came easier. “Can I just say how weird all this is? In a good way, though.”

He didn’t respond, but he knew what she meant. Having her in his home was like opening up his life to her. Showing him all those parts of himself that she hadn’t been there for. But she was here now.

They came to the end of the hallway, to his bedroom, and Tom was grateful that he’d taken the time to make his bed this morning.

She looked nervous again. Hell. He was nervous, too. He didn’t want this to seem forced. Or unnatural. He took her hand and led her to the bed. “It’s been a long day. Let’s get some sleep.”


“What? You think I can’t sleep next to you without mauling you?”

She yawned. “I wouldn’t mind a good mauling, but…” She shrugged. “Maybe later? It’s been a strange night.”

He could wait till later. He could wait a long time. As long as she stayed right here next to him.

Still keeping his jeans on, he toed off his shoes then drew back the comforter and slid in between the sheets. Allie wasn’t as thoughtful. She took off her boots and unbuttoned her jeans, letting them drop to the floor. Which left her in nothing but a tank top and a piece of black string that must have been her idea of underwear.

He was a prince, no doubt about it.

Might as well go all the way and aim for sainthood.

He put his arm around her and drew her close, letting her snuggle up against him. If she needed warm and cuddly then that’s what he’d give her. She sighed and for the first time tonight he could feel her relax.

He tucked the top of her head beneath his chin bringing them closer. Her hair smelled like expensive shampoo and her skin…it was both soft and firm at the same time and all he could think about was how good it would feel to slide inside her.

Just a few well-placed kisses and she’d let him. He knew that. But he wasn’t going to blow whatever it was they had going. Right now, despite the fact that he was so hard it hurt, there wasn’t anything on earth he’d rather do than hold Allie in his arms.


The room was dark and unfamiliar. How long had she been asleep? She glanced at the soft green glow of a bedside clock. It was three in the morning. She shifted slightly and felt Tom’s arms tighten around her. She’d fallen asleep in his bed, wearing nothing but a top and her raunchiest panties. And he hadn’t made a move. He’d wanted to. She knew that. Just like he had to know that she would have made a move right back. But she appreciated his restraint.

The night had started off terrible, that scene in the parking lot, sitting inside his truck. He’d been angry with her, but during the séance something had shifted. He’d put aside his own feelings to be there for her when she’d needed him most. He’d argued with Madame Gloria for her sake. Not because he believed the séance would actually work, but because he wanted her to get her story.

As incredible as it seemed, they were right back to where they were twelve years ago. Somehow, in the short span of just four days he’d become her best friend all over again. A best friend she wanted to have sex with, that is.

She pressed her thigh against his jean clad leg.

“If you’re trying to kill me, you’re doing a damn good job,” Tom muttered.

She leaned up on her elbow. “Oh, did I wake you up?” she asked, trying to sound innocent.

He laughed. “Are you kidding? I haven’t slept a wink since you’ve hit town.”

“Aren’t you exaggerating a little?”

“I wish.”

“Then…maybe I can help you with that.” She bent down and kissed him on the mouth, slow and soft. He didn’t deepen the kiss although she sensed that was exactly what he wanted. She broke it off and straddled his waist, then drew off her tank top and bra, leaving her in nothing but the black lace panties.

He looked at her as if she were the most beautiful thing on earth. “It’s not enough that I can’t sleep, now you want me to have a heart attack.”

She smiled. Tom was hers. To do with whatever she wanted. It was like all the walls between them came crashing down and just for tonight she was the old Allie and he was the old Tom and the Night of the Great Humiliation had never happened.

She leaned down to kiss him on the chest, causing him to suck in his breath. “Maybe just a little heart attack,” she joked. She slid down his body, positioning herself to place a kiss near the top of his belly button. His hands clamped down on her shoulders, but whether it was to urge her on or stop her, she wasn’t sure. After a few seconds he let his arms drop. “I give up. Go ahead, kill me. But make it fast.”