Mimi smiled at him. “What can I get you?”

Tom placed his order and Kitty began filling the cardboard cups with ice.

“Henry wants to know if Cameron can spend the night,” Tom said. “He’s with Lauren tonight.”

Cameron turned to his mother. “Can I, Mom?”

“Well, I don’t know. Don’t forget you have that science project to turn in on Monday.”

“I’ll spend all day tomorrow working on it. Promise,” Cameron said.

“O-kay, you talked me into it,” Mimi said, clearly having a little a fun at her son’s expense. She handed Tom his order. “And just so you know, part of the proceeds from tonight’s concession are going to my mayoral campaign.”

“Finally, this town is going to get a mayor who r

eally cares about what’s going on,” Kitty added proudly.

“So you’re giving Bruce Baily a run for his money, huh? Good for you,” Tom said.

“Does that mean I have your vote?”

“Depends on how you feel about commercial zoning,” Tom halfway joked.

“Actually, I’m working up a platform on that. Kitty has agreed to be my campaign manager and Lauren is going to help with my first official fundraiser.”

“Oh, yeah? Good for her, too.” Lauren hadn’t told him her plans but Tom nevertheless felt a twinge of pride. They might not be married anymore, but he was happy to see her spread her wings. It would be a lot of work, and she already had the shop and an ailing father to help look after, but it was good for her to become civically involved. It set a good example for Henry, too.

He glanced back up in the stands and caught Allie staring at him. Their gazes held for a few long seconds before she looked away. She didn’t look happy, that was for sure, not that Tom derived any satisfaction from that.

Now that he was back home they’d probably run into each other from time and time. And no matter what he was certain he saw or didn’t see in her eyes, he’d play along. He’d do whatever it took to make her feel at ease. And if that meant he had to smile and make nice and pretend they were nothing more than an old fling, then so be it.


Allie watched as Tom made his way back up the bleachers. He distributed the assorted drinks and snacks out to his family, then sat down next to his son. It was a cozy picture. One Allie vowed to imprint on her brain.

Once again, Tom caught her staring at him. Allie placed her hand up in a weak wave, then turned in her seat before she could see if Tom waved back or not.

They’d already said their goodbyes. No need to draw anything out. Every few years they’d run into one another. They’d smile politely. Make some chitchat. Tom would eventually get a girlfriend. Maybe he’d even remarry. Heck, maybe he and Lauren would get back together. Despite the ex-Mrs. Donalan’s protests to the contrary, it could happen. And it might be the best thing for everyone. Especially Henry. Maybe Allie would find someone, too. Get married. Pop out a few kids. She tried her hardest to envision it. But nothing came to her. It was definitely time to change up that Chunky Monkey fantasy.

The game went by quickly, but Allie was too focused on watching Claire to pay much attention to the score. She seemed so happy tonight in her maroon and gold cheerleader’s uniform, all smiles and long legs (and those boobs!). She was growing up so fast. Her little Claire Bear. Drinking (or not drinking as she’d claimed) beer at a party with a boy that Allie was certain neither Mimi nor Zeke knew of.

She had to admit Claire’s back flip was impressive. She could see how hard the team worked. It was almost more gymnastics than straight cheerleading. She hoped Zeke would take Claire’s confession well, because Allie hated to think that this could be Claire’s last game.

In the end, the Whispering Bay Wolverines beat the Conquistadors 14-7 in an exciting finish that had the entire stadium rocking. The players ran off the field, with the cheerleaders and the band following them into the gym, playing the school fight song.


Allie and Zeke made their way down to the concession stand, where Mimi and Kitty were finishing clean up duty.

“I told Cameron he could spend the night with Henry,” Mimi told Zeke. “They’ll be at Lauren’s house.”

“Sure,” Zeke said politely. Too politely as far as Allie was concerned. It was like the two of them were skating around each other, afraid to get too close for fear of crashing. Maybe a crash would be good. At least then they could pick themselves up and start over.

“See you in the morning?” Cameron asked Allie.

“I’ll probably leave pretty early,” Allie said. “How about you give your old aunt a hug till next time.” Cameron hugged her and then ran off into the stands to find Henry.

Kitty locked the concession stand door. She handed Mimi an envelope and the two of them made plans for next week’s Bunco game. Allie was tempted to ask how much money they’d raised for the mayoral campaign but, considering Zeke’s feelings on that particular subject, she decided to keep her mouth shut. She’d ask Mimi later.