C. I think I have feelings for Travis too.

It’s official. I’m a PG-13 rated ho.

The one upside to all this? Now that everyone in town knows what went down, Betty Jean has come crawling over begging me to join her book club again. Well, maybe not begging, but she’s strongly requesting that I consider it.

I told her I’d give her my decision later.

I’ll probably say yes, but I plan to make her sweat for a few days.

Sarah and her husband Luke and a bunch of other friends have all come by too. Sarah and I have decided to close The Bistro tomorrow since it doesn’t look like I’m going to get to bed any time soon. We’ll reopen bright and early Wednesday morning and if anyone has anything to say about that, tough.

My brother is one of the last people to arrive. He hugs me tightly. “Lucy, Lucy, Lucy,” he says in his Ricky Ricardo voice that always makes me laugh. Then in a more serious tone, “Are you all right?”

“I’m okay. Thanks to Will and Paco.”

He nods thoughtfully in that way he does when he’s really thinking about something else.

“What’s wrong?” I ask.

He looks startled that I’ve been able to read him so well.

“Nothing’s wrong. Everything’s actually pretty right. The bishop called me this afternoon to tell me that someone from the parish is donating all the funds to fix the roof.”

“What? That’s great, isn’t it?”

“Super,” he says, “I just wish it wasn’t anonymous. I’d like to be able to thank whoever donated the funds.”

Mom pulls Sebastian away to ask him a question (I hope she’s not asking for the membership roster for the Young Catholic Singles group) so I wander off into the dining room where I find Travis and my dad in deep conversation.

They glance up and Dad takes off, leaving Travis and me alone. I wonder what they were talking about. “Great chicken cacciatore,” Travis says, pointing to his empty plate.

“Mom fed

you, huh?”

“Yep.” He studies me a minute. “Why do I feel like there’s something you’re not telling me?”

“Like what?”

“What made you suspect Sally in the first place? I mean, the hair, yeah, I get that, but…” He shakes his head, confused. “What did I miss?”

Poor Travis. I want to tell him about my lie-detecting skills. I really do. I mean, I figure eventually I’m going to have to tell him, but I don’t have the energy for it tonight. Maybe on our next adventure. If we have one. Something tells me we will.

“You didn’t miss anything.”

He opens his mouth to argue with me when we’re interrupted by Brittany.

“Lucy!” She throws herself against me. “Thank God you’re alive! When I heard what happened, I nearly fainted. How are you? How’s Paco? How’s Will? I heard he almost singlehandedly took down this El Tigre person!”

“We’re all fine, Britany, thanks for coming over.”

“Of course! Oh, Lucy, you’re not going to believe this. I have the best news ever!”

The best news ever according to Brittany would be something involving either her job or… “Don’t tell me we’re going to be on Battle of the Beach Eats after all.”

“How did you know?” she squeals.

“Wait. I was…are you serious?”