Paco makes a whining sound. “We should have left him in the car,” he says tightly. “What if he starts barking?”

I take Paco’s little face into my hands and stare into his eyes. I read somewhere that dogs and humans bond through eye contact. The way he’s looking at me is the same way I’m looking at him. I’ve only had him a few weeks, but I love him already, and I know he loves me. He’s saved my life. And even though Will scoffed at the idea of Paco being a ghost whisperer, it’s only because he’s never seen him in action.

“You have to be quiet, okay?” I say to him. “No barking. No matter what you see. Got it?”

Paco wags his tail, which I take as an enthusiastic yes.

Nothing happens for a few minutes. The sound of a door slamming makes us both jump.

“Where did that come from?” I ask.

“Inside the house, I think. We need to call the cops again. If Travis doesn’t answer, then I’m calling Zeke Grant directly.” Will pulls out his cell phone and stares at the screen in disbelief. “Crap. There’s no service here. We must be in a dead zone. Try yours.”

“I left my phone in your car.”

He glances around. “I’m going to sneak around to the front of the house and see if I can get cell service. You and Paco stay here.”

Before he can take off, I grab his hand. “Will, be careful.”

He gives me a reassuring smile. “I’ll get the cops here, Lucy. No worries.” He vanishes into the darkness.

Paco licks my neck to reassure me. The whole thing is unnerving. What’s going on inside the house?

A thudding sound splits through the silence. I stand up from my crouching position and inch toward a window. I can’t see inside because of the closed blinds but I can see the lights are on. There’s a tiny sliver of sight that isn’t obscured by the blinds. There’s a refrigerator, I think, so I must be right outside the kitchen.

I squint, trying to make out more of the scene. There’s a foot. Only the person isn’t standing. The position indicates that they’re lying down….which doesn’t look good.

Paco starts to whimper.

Another thud.

Chills run down my spine. I’m pretty sure I just heard something big hit the floor. Like a body.

Paco’s whimpering becomes louder.

I wrap my arm around his neck to soothe him, but it doesn’t work. He turns back to look at me. His eyes have a wild look in them.

Oh no.

I know this look.

Before I can restrain him, he lunges for the door. He’s not barking, but he’s whimpering so loudly that he might as well be. “Paco!” I hiss, “Get back here right now.”

I run to grab him when the door opens.

Sally stands in the doorway. She’s wearing a black jogging suit and her green hair is tucked beneath a baseball cap. She’s also got a gun pointed straight at my head.

Her eyes widen in recognition. “Lucy, I have to say, I’m surprised to find you here.”

I try to keep my voice from trembling. “Sally! Do you live here? So sorry to interrupt! We’ll just be on our way—”

“Be quiet. You know good and well that I don’t live here.” She tilts her head. “Inside. Now.”

“Thanks, but Paco and I were going for a walk. We’ll just be running along—”

“I’m not going to ask again, Lucy. Inside. And your little dog too.”

Oh no. She’s not going to get Paco. No way.