“He was in my way.” He shrugs.

Oh my God. Mike broke Rocko’s leg? Why? Because he needed a cover and his uncle wouldn’t go along?

I’ve got all the evidence I need.

I look around the kitchen counter.

Where’s my cell phone? I need to call Travis so I can get him and the feds over here ASAP.

I spy my phone next to the refrigerator and slowly inch my way toward it. I need to keep El Tigre talking so he doesn’t notice.

“Good thing you were there to fill in for him. Doing deliveries, I mean.” I’ve got the phone in my hands now. I tap on the screen and discreetly text 911 to Travis. That should work.

“Yeah, about that. I won’t be doing any more deliveries here, Lucy.”

“You won’t?”

“Nah. This was just temporary. I needed something less stressful than my usual job. I just have one last assignment to wrap up, then I’m outta here.”

I gulp. I know exactly what that one last “assignment” is.

“So I’m afraid this is goodbye. It was nice meeting you, Lucy.” He gets up to leave. Oh my God. He’s on his way to kill Joey.

“Hold on!”

Mike looks startled. “What?”

“You can’t go just yet. You haven’t…had a cookie! You can’t leave without dessert. It’s the most important part of the meal.”

He grins. “You want to give me a cookie?”

“Well I’d offer you a muffin, but we’re all out.”

Brittany waltzes into the kitchen. “Lucy, what are you doing in here?” She spots Mike and frowns. “This isn’t the time to be making nookie with your boyfriend. Sarah needs your help out there.”

Mike is about to open his mouth when Tara and Man Bun come up behind Brittany. “Just keep doing what you’re doing!” Tara says. “We want you to act natural and real.”

Just then, the door leading to the parking lot is kicked open. Travis stands there, flanked by Agent Billings on one side and Agent Rollins on the other. Or is it Agent Parks? Never mind. The important thing is that all three of them have guns. And they’re pointed at Mike.

“Don’t move!” says Agent Billings. “Everyone, hands in the air!”

Mike looks shocked, but he does what he’s told.

Well that was easy. I thought El Tigre would put up more of a fight.

Agent Billings points her gun at Tara and Man Bun. “You too. Hands in the air.”

Man Bun throws his hands up and in the process drops his camera. It falls on the tile floor with a loud shatter. “I swear, I only smoke it medicinally.”

“Wade! What kind of idiot are you?” Tara screeches. “Do you know how much that camera cost?”

“For the last time, my name is Wayne!”

Tara looks as shocked as Mike. “When did you change your name to Wayne?”

“What’s happening?” Brittany whimpers but nobody has time to answer her question right now.

“Are you okay?” Travis asks me.