“What kind of crisis?” demands Phoebe Van Cleave.

“We’re…out of it.”

“Out of flour?” She scowls. “Sounds like poor planning on someone’s part.”

“I thought I saw your delivery guy here just the other day. Just how much flour do you people use?” Victor asks.

“I had to toss it.”

“Toss it? Why what was wrong with it?”

Oh boy. I probably shouldn’t have said that. No way am I going to give them the same excuse I gave Rocko and tell them that I found bugs in the flour, especially when it isn’t true. They might think the whole place is infested. Knowing Phoebe, she’d probably sic the health department on us. Not to mention bugs in the flour wouldn’t go over well with the producers on the Cooking Channel.

I grab at the first excuse I can think of for throwing out food. “The flour was expired. Yes, that’s it. Must have been a mistake with the supplier. And since here at The Bistro we’re committed to using only the freshest of ingredients, we had to toss it. No flour. No muffins. Can’t make muffins without the flour!”

“You’re back to that old excuse, huh?” says Betty Jean. I hadn’t noticed her standing in line.

Phoebe looks at me suspiciously. “How long have you people been serving food made with outdated ingredients?”

“What? I never said—”

“That explains the stomachache I had last week,” says Victor, going pale. “I was here on three separate days and each time I had a muffin. I should have made the connection.”

“Do you think the guy in the dumpster ate one of your muffins?” someone asks in a horrified voice. “Could that be what killed him?”

Oh, for the love of… It’s like they’ve turned into a muffin mob. Clearly, I didn’t think my plan all the way through.

I’m saved from responding to this ridiculousness when Rusty and Travis walk through the door because everyone turns to shower them with questions. All of them variations of when they’ll catch the mysterious “Whispering Bay Killer.” If they would just wait patiently till the end of the day, they’ll get their answer.

Rusty and Travis work their way to the counter.

This is the first time I’ve seen Travis since he gave me his unsolicitous relationship advice about Will. I can’t help but feel self-conscious. And even though the surveillance equipment has been in place since yesterday evening, seeing Travis and Rusty reminds me that we’re being watched.

Travis glares at Tara. “What’s she doing here?”

“Taking more footage.”

Rusty puffs his chest out for Man Bun’s camera. “Russel Newton, Whispering Bay police deputy here, placing an order.” He tips his hat to me in greeting. “Hey, Lucy. We’ll be needing five lattes, three breakfast sandwiches, a dozen muffins and throw in some cookies too if you have them.”

“Lucy’s out of muffins,” says Victor.

“No, I told you, I have pumpkin spice and lemon poppy seed.”

“Just give us whatever you have,” says Travis.

Betty Jean growls at him. “I’ll take whatever you have.”


nbsp; Travis chuckles. Even though he’s only been in a town a few weeks, he’s getting used to Betty Jean’s shenanigans.

“Not sure I’d take those muffins if I were you,” Victor says, “they’re made with bad flour.”

Travis frowns. “What?”

I blow out a frustrated breath. “The flour is perfectly good. I just…threw out some expired flour is all. I never baked anything with it.”

At that exact same moment, Sarah comes out the door that adjoins the kitchen and the dining area to refill the coffee station. “I thought you said the flour had bugs in it.”