“Do you have to growl at me? How about you use your words instead. Huh?”

Beast could have sworn a blood vessel popped behind his eye, because he was definitely seeing red. “How’s this for some words, Hollywood? This is a real kidnapping and we’re in a fuckload of trouble, which you just made worse. You put us on a deadline. As soon as you opened your mouth and gave him a name he could look up on the internet, the clock started ticking. Now, we have no option but to escape tonight. Which means hiking through the rainforest with no resources, no idea of our location and no experience in this terrain. Basically, we’re up shit creek and I’m your only paddle, because somehow, I don’t think you have the skills we need to get out of this alive. So, listen very carefully to what I say—this shit is real.”

She stared at him for a long time before she smiled. “That was awesome! I actually had goosebumps. That’s some of the best acting I’ve seen in years.”

Beast couldn’t help it. He growled again.

Chapter 4

Ryan Granger, security specialist and ex-soldier, was on round two of his own private party with a waitress called Esperanza, when the Batman theme blared from his dress trouser pocket. The trousers were on the floor, where he’d kicked them off in his rush to get naked. Unfortunately, he’d forgotten to switch off his phone before he’d undressed, hence the very loud and very annoying music.

As the sound grew in volume, Ryan knew he couldn’t ignore it. It was the ringtone he’d assigned to his boss. And if he didn’t answer, Callum would come find him instead. Reluctantly, Ryan rolled off the gorgeous woman beneath him. Esperanza was made for sex; she had curves in all the right places and inky-black hair that fell in waves to her hips. Separating from her, even for five minutes, was damn hard to do.

She groaned, grabbed his hand and pulled him down for another kiss. Damn, but it was tempting to pretend he didn’t hear his phone and instead concentrate on the very needy woman in his bed. After all, he was technically on an enforced vacation. And this was what he did on vacation—he found a willing woman and lost himself in her until it was time to return to reality.

With genuine regret, he extradited himself from Esperanza’s arms, rolled to the edge of the bed, put his feet on the ground and reached for his phone. Esperanza sat up behind him, pressing her lush breasts against his back. Ryan mentally cursed his boss and prayed Callum had a genuine reason for interrupting one of the best nights of his life.

“Don’t answer it,” the temptress said as she kissed Ryan’s neck.

She spoke English as though she was born to it, but with the sensual accent of a native South American Spanish speaker. Compared to the flat tones of his London accent, every word Esperanza uttered was an invitation to sin. Just hearing her talk made him hard all over again.

“I have to answer. I wish I didn’t, but it’s the bat signal.”

“You’re a superhero?” He felt her smile against his skin.

He smiled back, even though she couldn’t see it, as he glanced at his phone’s screen. Yep. It was his grumpy-arsed boss, Callum McKay. A text appeared on the screen while he held it: Answer your bloody phone! Callum seemed madder than usual, which only happened when Ryan did something particularly dumb. He glanced over his shoulder at Esperanza. Could she be considered a dumb decision?

“You didn’t answer my question,” she said as she nibbled his shoulder. “Are you a superhero?”

“One of many. I’m on a team of superheroes,” he told her. “We’re all ex-military, or ex-law enforcement. It’s our job to fight the bad guys.”

He felt her tense behind him. “I knew you were security, but I thought you installed cameras and made sure shopping malls were safe.”

“Nope, baby, we’re the real deal. We’re the guys the cops call in when their hands are tied. We do a lot of bodyguard work, hostage retrieval and investigative work. Think A-Team rather than mall cop.”

Before she could say anything else, Ryan answered his phone. “Yeah?”

“We need you in the ballroom.

Belinda and Beast have been kidnapped.”

A burst of adrenalin shot through him, and just like that, his mind wasn’t on sex any longer. “On my way.”

He ended the call and reached for his pants. There was no time to dig around looking for jeans, in the bag he hadn’t bothered to unpack. The dress clothes he’d worn to the party would have to do. Belinda and Beast were as much a part of Benson Security as anyone employed by the company. Belinda was the sister of the London office manager, Julia. And Beast was one of Joe’s best friends. That made them family.

As he buttoned up his crisp white shirt, Ryan looked at Esperanza. She was kneeling in the middle of the bed; the sheet was pulled up to cover her breasts, and her hair was wild about her shoulders.

“I need to go.” Ryan didn’t bother tucking in the shirt. “Something’s come up. You don’t need to leave, but I don’t know when I’ll be back. This could take a while. Make yourself at home, huh? Have a shower, or there are snacks in the fridge.” He leaned over, clasped her nape and pulled her in for a kiss that quickly turned desperate.

With great difficulty, he pulled himself away from her. Damn, he’d never seen anything sexier than this woman. With her kiss-swollen lips and gorgeous golden skin, she was temptation personified.

But she was a temptation he had to resist.

“I really don’t want this to be the end of things. I’m here for a few more days, maybe longer. Leave your number on the nightstand, and I promise I’ll take you out for a five-star meal.” He snorted. “Somewhere where you don’t work.” His phone beeped and he looked down to see another text from Callum. Get your arse down here!

After one last kiss, Ryan headed for the safe in the room’s closet. He punched in the code and retrieved his pistol, tucking it into the back of his pants, under his shirt.

“Don’t leave here without giving me a way to contact you,” he ordered the lust-dazed woman, and then he forced himself out of the door and ran for the little golf cart that would take him back to the main hotel building.