The asshole took great pleasure in unscrewing the cap off a water bottle and dousing Belinda. She jerked up, sputtering as though she’d been forced awake.

“It’s time,” Angel said. “Señorita Collins is going to put on one last performance for us, and then this will all be over.”

“You’re going to return us to our families?” Belinda asked. She sounded both scared and hopeful.

Beast knew it was an act. She knew the Martinez brothers had no intention of handing them over to anyone.

“But of course,” Martinez said with a smile that was dead. “You are worth ten million dollars to me.” He paused and arched an eyebrow at Beast. “Each.”

It was clear he knew Beast wasn’t some big-shot director, and it amused him. The Martinez brothers’ amusement was the least of Beast’s concerns. His eyes kept returning to the men unloading the trailer. They pulled out camera equipment and started to set it up in front of him and Belinda.

“What are you doing?” Belinda said. “Why is there a camera?”

She sounded confused now, and Beast knew it wasn’t an act. Her fever was raging. He could feel the heat coming off her skin as their arms pressed together.

“I’m going to film you,” Angel said. “You like being filmed, don’t you, Señorita Collins?”

Belinda started to shake. She looked up at Beast. “What?” Her eyes were glassy and unfocused.

“Come here!” Angel snapped at Belinda.

Her head lolled towards her captor and she frowned as she tried to focus. Beast wasn’t going to let that happen. No matter what. Belinda wasn’t getting anywhere near the brothers.

“Now,” Beast roared as he shot to his feet.

He launched himself at Angel without a backwards glance at Belinda. All he could do was trust that she followed his instructions.

And that, no matter what, she stayed alive.

“Move in now!” Grunt bellowed over the comm.

Ryan jumped as the sound blasted through him.

“Report,” Lake snapped.

“Beast launched an attack on the Martinez brothers,” Noah said in a rush.

A gunshot rang out, making birds take flight over the forest.

“Use full force,” Lake said. “Get in there. Get the job done. Ryan? Callum?”

“Taking position now,” Ryan said as he started the boat.

The team were past the stealth stage. Now the boats would get as close as they could to the mine to pull their people out as fast as possible.

“Ryan?” Elle sounded hysterical, which wasn’t like her. “Ryan, are you there?”

He reached for the satphone and pressed the speech button. “I’m here.”

“The Martinez unit is broadcasting. They’ve hacked a local news network.”

“Belinda? Beast?” Ryan manoeuvred the boat around a tree growing on the edge of the river.

“Beast,” she said. “Beast is fighting one of the brothers. I can’t see Belinda. Someone is saying something. Damn it, I can’t speak Spanish. Does anyone here speak Spanish?”

“I can!” There was the sound of movement as Ryan skimmed over the water.

On the bank opposite the mine sat half a dozen caiman, relaxing in the sun. They lifted their heads and stared at him as he passed.