“Nice to see how the other half live,” Noah said as he surveyed the crowded ballroom. With its floor-to-ceiling windows and view across the Amazon, it was a far cry from Noah’s own wedding reception, which had been held at the local Irish bar. “Guess this is what happens when you have more money than sense. Do you know what Julia’s mother told me?”

Beast shook his head. A better question might have been whether he cared what she’d told him.

“That they chose Peru for the party because it had romantic significance for the couple—they fell in love here.” Noah shuddered at the thought.

Beast was in complete agreement. That was the kind of pink, girly crap that made a man want to find the nearest underground fight and let off some steam.

“Joe know she’s telling people that?” he said.

“Joe doesn’t give a crap. Look at him.”

The newlyweds, Joe and Julia, were slow dancing to a techno tune over in the corner by the bar. The place could have blown up and they wouldn’t have noticed.

“How the mighty fall,” Beast said, with a shake of his head. “What’d you get the happy couple for a wedding gift?” He put his empty glass on the bar behind him. He was done for the night.

“Dinner plates with the flag printed on them.”

“The American flag?”

Noah’s eyebrows shot up. “Is there another one? What’d you get them?”

“Matching pistols.” Noah laughed hard, and Beast shrugged. “It was before I met Julia. I figured if she worked at a security company she had to like guns. Now I’ve met her, I realise I should have bought her a whiteboard.”

“She does like her lists.”

Joe had sent them photographic evidence that they were on several of Julia’s lists, which meant they had to turn up for the wedding. There had almost been a whiteboard meltdown when Beast made it clear he could only attend the last couple of days of the reception. Julia had been forced to write new lists, and Joe had not been pleased.

“What do you think Joe’s in-laws got them?” Noah pointed to the dance floor, w

here Julia’s famous family were holding centre stage. Each of her siblings were competing with each other, and their mother, for the spotlight. It was hard to believe they were related to the painfully shy bride.

“Gold-plated bathtub?”

Noah choked on his beer, and Beast thumped his back.

“That doesn’t help,” Noah said when he could breathe again.

They watched the dancing for a few minutes, and Beast found his eyes constantly straying to Belinda Collins. The actress was wearing a shimmering silver lace mini-dress that hugged her curves. She’d kicked off her shoes hours ago, and the silver toe ring on her left foot kept snagging his attention. Her hair was down, skimming her shoulders in a cut that probably cost the average person a year’s wages. But, he had to admit, just looking at those silky tresses made him think it was worth the money. And the way she moved brought on all sorts of visions involving satin skin on silk sheets.

“You gonna take the job?” Noah’s question snapped Beast’s attention back to his friend.

“Dunno. You?”

Noah looked down for a second. “Yeah. There’s nothing keeping me and the kids in Atlantic City now Therese is gone.”

Beast slapped a hand on his friend’s shoulder and squeezed. Cancer had taken Noah’s wife two years earlier, leaving him with a broken heart, and two young boys to raise.

“London will take some getting used to,” Beast said, because he didn’t know how else to comfort his friend. “Don’t think there’s any baseball.”

“I’ll survive. Well, what do you know?” Noah pointed to the other side of the room. “Looks like I might win a bet for a change.”

Beast groaned at the sight of Harvard receiving a lecture from his crush and pulled a ten out of his wallet. “Guess this means Harvard will follow his dick and take the job too.”

“She’s an incentive, but he’s ready for a change. He’s done with the government. He wants a new life.”

They watched as Rachel slapped the big guy’s face and then strode away with her nose in the air. Harvard stared after her like a puppy watching his owner leave the house.

“Here’s hoping he lives long enough to enjoy it,” Beast said.