“Yeah, it’s time.”

“Good.” She nodded to herself. “That’s really good.” She scrambled away from him, embarrassed that she’d been wedged against him. Beast fought the urge to pull her back. It didn’t feel right to have distance between them. And what the hell did that mean?

“I’m, uh, sorry for, you know, clinging to you earlier.” Her cheeks were red as she scrambled to her feet. “And for falling asleep. I was…I was…upset. I’m sorry. And I’m sorry for not believing you.” She shook her head. “I can’t believe I got it so wrong.”

She backed away from him with each word, until she was against the wall. Beast was on his feet and striding towards her before he could second-guess his actions. He held her chin and angled her face up at him, to make her look him in the eye. Her eyes were wide with vulnerability, and he almost missed the Belinda who’d thought their kidnapping would be a fun experience.

“There’s nothing to be sorry about. Nothing. We’re in this together. Right?”

She seemed to be searching his eyes for the truth. He hoped she saw it. They had to rely on each other or they weren’t going to get out of this alive.

“Right?” he said again.

“Right.” She let out a breath.

“Good.” He nodded and stepped away from her, again aware at how much effort that action took. He wanted to hold her. He wanted to wrap himself around her. He wanted her in every single way a man could want a woman. It was a primal need. It had nothing to do with who they were, but lots to do with the situation they were in. He was a protector. That’s how he was wired. And she needed protection. It was nothing more. Nothing. She wasn’t his type. They didn’t walk in the same world. Logic told him that the draw between them was based on circumstances. And he could handle that. He had to.

He put as much distance between them as the cabin would allow and ran a hand through his hair. He needed to get a grip. The drugs they’d pumped into him had obviously screwed with his ability to function. He looked at Belinda, whose shoulders had straightened, and she seemed to be giving herself a silent pep talk. Good. That was good. They needed to focus.

He cleared his throat, wishing they hadn’t already finished the water they’d been given. “I’ve been listening. They partied until they fell asleep. With any luck, they’re out cold. It’s lighter outside, but not full light.” He glanced at his watch. “It’s five. This is the best time to leave. You ready?” Like she had a choice.

Her chin went up. “Absolutely.”

He nodded, unreasonably proud of her resolve. “I need you to call for the guard. Tell him you need to use the restroom again. Get him to step inside. I’ll be ready for him.”

He watched her swallow hard and knew her mind was going over what happened the last time she dealt with their guard.

“Belinda?” Beast hated the anxiety he saw on her face. “You up for this?”

“Yes.” She sounded far more certain than she looked. “Yes. I can do this. I was born to do this.”

He strode to stand behind the door. “You get him in. I’ll deal with the rest.”

She nodded and reached for the door. There was no sign of the nerves or fear from earlier. She was acting, pretending that everything was fine. Pretending she hadn’t been scared out of her mind not two hours earlier. Beast knew she was doing exactly what he’d asked her to do, but still, it rankled. He felt a cold chill run down his spine at the sight of her donning her mask. And then she looked up at him, and he saw it. The trace of fear, the hesitant vulnerability that said she more than remembered her earlier experience. At the sight, Beast felt like dirt. His hand shot out, curling around the satin-soft skin of her wrist. Wide eyes looked up at him.

“I won’t let him touch you or say anything to you.”

Her shoulders relaxed slightly. “I know,” she whispered.

Two words that shot straight to his soul. A tether between them.

Belinda reached out and knocked the door. “Hola,” she called. “I need el baño.”

There was a scraping noise and the door swung open. Beast couldn’t see who was there, but the relief Belinda tried to mask made him think it wasn’t the same guard as earlier.

“El baño?” the guard snapped.



Belinda took a step towards the open door and then stopped. She flashed a smile at the man. “Shoes.” She pointed to her feet.

Before the guy could object, she turned and ran over to where her ridiculous shoes sat beside the mattress. With a grunt, the guy followed her inside. He wasn’t the same guard. But that didn’t mean he was a good guy. Beast didn’t hesitate. He swung the door shut and slammed his fist into the man’s jaw. One punch. That was all it took to make him crumple to the floor.

“Glass jaw. Lucky,” Beast said. “Get the ropes.”

He searched the guy’s pockets and took what might be useful: a book of matches and a cheap mobile phone with a dead battery. They wouldn’t be able to use it to call for help, but maybe there would be information on it that would help track these bastards down later.