“It’s morning now,” Joe said. “You’re awake.” He put a knee on the bed. “I think you should kiss me.”

The words, along with the heat in his eyes, melted her reserve. She realised, in that moment, that her need for Joe now outweighed her fear of getting involved with him. And she badly wanted to feel his lips against hers. Only…

“I can’t. I haven’t brushed my teeth.”

His eyes twinkled. “Do you have to do that before you kiss me?”

She nodded. Kissing was unsanitary enough without adding morning breath to the experience.

“Okay then, go brush your teeth.” With a smile, he sat on the edge of the bed.

Julia threw back the blanket and scurried around the bed to the bathroom. Once inside, she splashed cold water on her face, then used Joe’s toothpaste to brush her teeth. All the while, she examined her feelings and thoughts to see if she had any reservations. There were some, but they’d faded to insignificance. She needed to make a list. That was what she needed to do, but her iPad was in the room with Joe. She’d have to do it mentally. Inside her head she imagined a large whiteboard, and a black marker in her hand, and she began to write a list of her reservations.

1. She was seriously weird.

1a. Joe seemed to like that about her.

2. His alpha behaviour scared the life out of her.

2a. He only ever used his strength to make her feel secure.

3. She had very little sexual experience, and she was betting Joe had lots. The chances of humiliating herself were high.

3a. She’d already humiliated herself more in the past few days than she had in her entire life previously, and she’d survived. Plus, Joe made it clear he wanted her no matter what her experience. (Although it might be a good idea to mention it to him before they start.)

4. The chance of him getting tired of her freaky personality was high. Therefore, this relationship had no hope of being long term.

4a. Maybe, just maybe, she had courage enough to accept that they were only having a fling. After all, she’d had the courage to come to Peru. And to deal with a shootout and a burglary. So what if this thing with Joe didn’t last? She’d survive. Although…

5. When their time together ended, she still had to work with him. That could be awful.

5a. She could get another job. She loved her job with Benson Security, but she could get a different one, if it meant she wouldn’t have to watch Joe move on to other women.

By the time Julia had made her list, she’d rearranged everything in the bathroom to ensure they were in groups of three, with all their labels facing forward.

She groaned and she glanced at the closed door. She’d been in the bathroom a long time—Joe had probably given up on her. Even if she did walk out to be with him, he was most likely already gone.

That didn’t change the one question she had to answer before she took this chance.

Was being with Joe worth the heartache that was bound to come after?

With a deep breath, Julia opened the door.

Joe leaned back onto his elbows on the bed, his feet still on the floor and his eyes on the bathroom door. He could hear muttering and things being moved around. He would bet his last dollar that she was either trying to talk herself into getting physical with him, or talk herself out of it. There was nothing he could do except wait for the verdict, but every fibre of his being hoped it went in his favour.

When the door opened, he found he was holding his breath. One look at Julia’s face and he knew he’d won. A wave of relief, followed closely by urgent need, flowed through him.

He sat up slowly. “Come here.” His voice had dropped an octave, and if it were possible, he would have purred.

Julia walked to him without hesitation, coming to a halt in the spot he’d pointed to, between his knees. She put her hands on his shoulders and looked into his eyes.

“I don’t have a lot of experience,” she said. It was so earnest that it made his heart ache.

“You don’t need a lot.” Joe curled his hands around the curve of her hips and pulled her to him.

She nibbled at her bottom lip. “I’ll probably screw this up.”

“What makes you think I won’t be the one to screw this up?”