Joe gave him a chin lift.

By the time they’d headed back outside to their SUV, they were all in a sombre mood.

“Is the treasure real, Gran?” Julia was beginning to side with Ed and believe it to be so.

“We did a lot of discreet investigating,” Patricia said from the back seat. “The map doesn’t lead to El Dorado, but we’re sure it leads to some sort of hidden cache of gold. We kept hearing about a golden bull. Whether that’s actual or symbolic, I don’t know. I do know that it was common practice for the Incas to hide their treasure, especially after they cottoned on to the Spaniards’ lust for their gold. Every now and then someone discovers some hidden stash. Even conservative estimates would suggest that there is still a lot to be found.”

“I thought the Spaniards had taken it all back to Europe,” Julia said.

“No, not all.” Patricia sounded thoughtful. “What’s left is very rare and priceless. Even a small cache would net someone millions.”

“That’s why the interest in the map,” Julia said. “There’s nothing to lose if it turns out to be a wild goose chase, but everything to gain if it isn’t.”

“Millions to gain,” Patricia said.

There was silence as the car wove through the crowded traffic into the dark Lima night.

“That guy called me a MILF,” Patricia said suddenly. “I don’t know whether to be insulted or honoured.”

Ed started laughing, and Joe shook his head. Julia looked up at him. “What’s a MILF?”

“You really don’t want to know.”

And because of that, she really did. Discreetly, Julia pulled her iPad from her messenger bag and made a note to look it up later.

“This guy, Esteban,” Julia said. “You recognised his name, Joe. Who is he?”

“Bad news,” Ed answered for Joe. “Bad, bad news. I’ve had some dealings with him in the past. He’s hard to avoid when you work in Peru.”

“He’s cartel.” Joe’s grip was white-knuckled on the steering wheel. “We ran into his army years ago when I was working an op here with the Marines.” He glanced at Julia before turning his attention back to the road. “He’s worse than bad news. He’s ruthless, resourceful and relentless. If he wants something, he doesn’t stop until he gets it.”

“And he wants the treasure.” Julia stared out into the black night as car lights flickered in front of them.

“Yeah, he wants the treasure.” Joe reached for her hand.

Without thinking, Julia met him halfway. “We need to head to Bolivia.”

“Book flights for the morning, baby. We need sleep.”

“But Alice—”

“We’re no good to anyone if we’re de

ad on our feet. Patricia hasn’t slept for a week. The morning is soon enough.”

“I wish…” She looked into the night. She wished the whole mess was over. She wished Alice was safe. She wished her gran had never become a mummy hunter in the first place. Most of all, she wished she was braver and more capable.

Joe squeezed her hand and held it tight as they drove through the night.

Chapter 8

Callum McKay was in his office when Benson Security’s resident computer expert rushed in. Callum and one of his three business partners, Rachel Ford-Talbot, looked up from their notes to frown at the blue-haired woman.

“I know.” Elle held up her hand—the other one was clutching her laptop. “No interrupting, but this is serious stuff.”

She plopped the laptop on the desk and her fingers flew over the keyboard.

“What’s going on?” Lake Benson, the original owner of the company and ex-SAS soldier, demanded from the phone in the middle of the desk.