Keiko wavered. “Maybe just one dance…”

“Nope, not good enough,” Abigail said. “You’ve got the rest of the night. I’m going home.”

“You can’t. I’m not even sure you remember where you live.”

“Funny.” Abigail shot Mace a shy smile. “I sent a message to the car service while we were talking. They’ll pick me up and walk me to my door. How do you think I get around when you’re back in New York?”

Keiko shrugged. “I just assumed you never went anywhere but your apartment and your lab.”

Abigail narrowed her eyes. “That’s not the point. I can go other places if I have to. And I can get home on my own, too.”

“Ladies.” Mace stepped closer. “Can I help?”

“No,” they both replied at the same time.

His lips twitched, the first sign of genuine humor. She liked it.

“I’m going home,” Abigail told him. “Alone. She’s all yours.”

“Abby,” Keiko hissed.

But her friend was already backing up toward the exit, a grin on her face. “I won’t wait up,” she called as she disappeared into the crowd.

“We should walk her to her car,” Mace said, that hint of a smile fading. “Make sure she gets home okay.”

His concern for her friend made her melt a little. “Our car service will pick her up inside the front entrance of the club, and the driver will walk her to her apartment. It’s a company perk.”

He focused in on her. “Are you okay with her leaving?”

Was she? She looked up at the man beside her and felt her stomach flip as her fingers itched to touch him. He was the walking embodiment of her dream man. So yeah, she was more than okay with being alone with him.

“Keiko?” he asked, making her aware that she was just standing and staring at him. “Are you okay being here without your friend?”

“Yes.” The word came out a little breathier than she’d anticipated. But damn it, it was her birthday, and the guy was as close to her dream man

as she’d ever find in Houston.

One corner of his lips quirked, and his eyes sparkled. “Guess it’s just you and me, then. Would you like to dance, Keiko Sato?”

“Uh-huh.” She was mesmerized by the tiny scar that cut through the corner of his full lips and wanted to trace its trajectory with the tip of her tongue. “Is it getting hotter in here?”

“I’ve got a feeling it’s gonna get a whole lot hotter,” he rumbled as he motioned for her to go before him.

The chivalry sent a tingle of delight down her spine. Feeling dazed, she glanced up at him as she passed. “Please don’t turn into an asshole?” she said.

A slow, sexy grin spread across his face, making her insides do somersaults. “I’ll try,” he said as he placed his hand on the small of her back and escorted her onto the dance floor. His touch, slight as it was, seared straight through her. She fought the urge to lean into him. Instead she enjoyed that heady feeling of anticipation, eager to see what happened next.

He was almost too good to be true, and she should at least pretend to be civilized before she snapped and jumped him. So she took a deep breath and forced herself to make conversation.

“Do you live in Houston?” she asked.

His blue eyes sparkled at her. “Why don’t you tap into the club network and get your answers the same way everybody else does?”

“I want you to tell me.” Although she’d already accessed his information, the way people talked about themselves told you more than the facts ever could.

“I’m visiting town. On a business trip.”

“No significant other waiting at home?”