Sandi couldn’t keep from chuckling. “She’s got a mammoth-sized violent streak for a woman who’s pint-sized.”

She still had the bruises to prove it. Once Keiko had found out about the bat growing inside of her, she hadn’t been pleased and had tried to break into the recovery capsule to wake Mace and tell him exactly what she thought of her situation. It had taken both Sandi and Ignacio to pull her off the machine. Though Ignacio hadn’t been much help, as he’d been too busy laughing at the time. The woman had fought so hard against them that the heel of one of those stripper shoes she loved had ripped open Sandi’s shin. It had taken several stitches to stop the bleeding. And what had Keiko said about it? “I’m not sorry. I only wish I’d done it to your asshole brother.”

Man, she adored the woman who would become her sister-in-law. And she’d better become her sister-in-law, because if Mace didn’t marry her, Sandi would kick his ass.

“She’s something else, all right.” Striker grinned at her. “But Mace needs a strong woman to keep him in line.”

“Still, it is kind of funny.” She sipped her coffee. “He’s a mountain, and he’s got a tiny bat and a tiny woman.”

“Guess we’re gonna have to call her Robin now.”

“Not to her face, unless you want her to attack.”

“Good wedding present, though—Batman-and-Robin-themed bedding.”

“You have a death wish.”

His grin grew wider. “You do realize that your brother is Batman and you’re—”

“Don’t say it.” She held up a hand to stop him. “Don’t even think it.”

He chuckl

ed, and they lapsed into silence as Sandi wondered about the future. Her brother deserved someone who loved him. He deserved a family of his own, but how was that even possible when they were living on the wrong side of the law and they called the most dangerous place on earth home?

“They’ll be okay,” Striker said as though he could read her mind. “We all will.”

She hoped he was right.

“You live where?” Keiko shouted, making Sandi wince.

There was a sound of smashing glass as something hit the wall in Mace’s room. His woman sure did enjoy throwing things.

“Guess she just found out,” Striker said, his eyes dancing with amusement.

“Better double the sedatives we’re gonna need.” Sandi listened as yet more items smashed. “It won’t just be Friday we have to knock out to get her home.”

“Laissez les bons temps rouler,” Striker said.

Let the good times roll. The crazy Cajun was enjoying the chaos.

“I can’t wait to get home,” she said as she relaxed into her chair.

And didn’t it just sum up her life that home was the deadliest place on earth. The place no human could survive—except the people who’d been made inside of it and their mates.

The Red Zone.


Sandrine Cherbourg’s office

The Southern Territory

Sydney, Australia

Sandrine put the papers she’d been handed down onto her desk and leaned back in her chair. As she crossed her legs, she looked out over her view of the Sydney Opera House and the harbor beside it. It was a billion-dollar view, but it still wasn’t as good as the one Miriam Shepherd had from her head office in New York. Not because Miriam’s view was more appealing, but because of the power that went along with it.

Power Sandrine very much wanted.