She would, too. He pushed the situation into a box in the back of his mind. He’d deal with it later. Once they were out of there. If they got out of there.

“I’m okay.” He stood tall, took a deep breath, and focused. They had to deal with the hub. “Let’s get out of here. We need to take out those camera feeds.”

Her hand curled around his arm to stop him. “Are you going to explain what just happened?”



“It’s nothing.”

He could have sworn his bat was laughing at him.

“Mace?” She looked like she was getting ready to strike out. So much for keeping her violent streak under control.

“I’ll explain everything later. But right now, we need to get out of here. And we need to concentrate on what we’re doing. We can’t afford any mistakes. Mistakes will get you killed.”

Without another word, Mace turned toward the door.

Save mate, the bat whispered in his mind.

Asshole, Mace replied.

Chapter Thirty-One

They managed to make it all the way down the stairs without incident or argument. It was a miracle.

“Stay here,” Mace told Keiko. “Right here.” He pointed at the spot to ensure she got the message.

“Right here,” she repeated.

“I mean it. You can’t move from here. You have a habit of wandering off when I put you somewhere. Now isn’t the time to do it again.”

“When we get out of here, I’m going to explain how many things are wrong with what you just said, but right now, I’ll stand in this spot until you’re done.”

He still wasn’t convinced, and it must have shown on his face, because she rolled her eyes at him and gave him a shove to get him going.

“Go do your thing, but be safe about it,” she said.

Mace nodded and turned away, hoping that she’d do as she was told, for once.

I go protect her, the bat said, making everything worse.

Mace snorted. You can’t protect anybody.

I am the fiercest of my species.

He’d offended the rodent. Color him remorseful. You’re a two-inch flying rat, that’s what you are. Now get out there and cover that camera.

For my mate. Not you.

The bat separated from him with a snap. He circled Mace once, crapped on his shoulder, then flew off to cover the camera. Mace growled at his other half while, behind him, Keiko smothered a giggle.

As soon as the bat was in place, he blocked him from his mind and focused on his task—clearing the security hub, eliminating the cameras, and getting out of the building before Enforcement returned and launched an attack.

In his mind, the bat nodded in agreement. Keep mate safe.

Shut up. I have to concentrate.