He pressed a kiss to her forehead. “You’re exhausted. Lie down on the bed while I make some food for us.”

“I am tired,” she admitted, knowing it was more the weight of emotion bearing down on her than anything else.

Keiko didn’t complain when he lifted her and cradled her in his arms while he took her to the bed. After flicking back the bedspread, he put her in the middle of the bed and tucked her in.

“Close your eyes for a minute,” he said. “It’ll help.”

As he turned away from her, Keiko reached out and placed a hand on his arm to stop him. “Thank you,” she whispered.

“Baby,” was all he said. And then with a shake of his head, he moved toward the kitchen area.

Her eyes already closing, she watched him move, all rippling muscle and fluid grace, which was unusual in a man his size. He looked dangerous, capable, scary. And even with the grief of Abigail’s death, the building being under siege from terrorists, and the horrific things she’d learned about CommTECH, Mace made her feel safe. Safe enough to let sleep take her, knowing Mace would watch her back.

Chapter Twenty-Six

Mace gave Keiko as much time as he could for her to sleep, wishing it was more. But just because they were hidden away in one of Miriam’s panic rooms didn’t mean they were out of danger. At some point, Enforcement would storm the building and take it back from Freedom. Then they would go room to room, checking for survivors. They wouldn’t skip over the panic room. And if they found him, it would spell disastrous news for him and his team. Which meant they had to get out of there.

“Hey,” Keiko said when he woke her, giving him a sleepy smile that did strange things to his heart. For a second, she was just a woman looking at a man and liking what she saw. And then reality registered, making the smile fade. “How long was I asleep?”

“Not long. Forty minutes or so.” Gently, he brushed her hair from her face. “I made some food. You’re running on empty, and we need to keep your strength up. Who knows when we’ll be able to eat again.”

“I could eat.” She threw back the covers before realizing she was still wrapped in a towel. “Maybe I should get dressed first.”

Mace wished they were having this conversation in a very different time and place. He would have told her she didn’t need to get dressed, and then he would have pressed her back into the bed and started their day off right. With lazy, thorough lovemaking.

“That’s probably a good idea,” he said as he stepped away from the bed. “Your clothes are still in the bathroom.”

While she wriggled off the bed, he strode back into the kitchen, keeping his eyes averted from her. There was only so much temptation a man could take, and everything about Keiko called to him. While she got dressed and made good use of one of the toothbrushes in the cabinet, Mace spooned the chili he’d heated into bowls and placed them on the table.

The bathroom door opened, and Keiko came out dressed in the same torn dress and too-large shorts that she’d taken off earlier. She’d brushed her hair, but her feet were still bare. And somehow, looking at those bare feet made a wave of protectiveness wash over Mace.

Every instinct he possessed was demanding he wrap Keiko up, hide her away, and keep her safe. He’d always been a protective bastard, but this was something else entirely. His need to cosset her was almost overwhelming. He wanted her far away from danger, from violence, from death.

He wanted to love her.

He stilled at the thought, knowing it was a foolish hope. No matter what his other half said, relationships didn’t start off in hell. And that was exactly where they were.

“Oh look, you made me the only thing you can cook. I’m honored.” Keiko was clearly determined to put a brave face on their situation and to leave the rest of her grieving for later.

So much damn courage. She was astounding.

But not for him. Never for him. Even if she could get past him pulling her into this mess, there were still too many obstacles in their path. Like his freaky changed genetics, him being older than her by a century, and the fact his team called the deadliest place on the planet home.

“Don’t get too excited. I found cans of it in the pantry.”

“And here I thought I was being spoiled.” She pulled out a chair and sat in front of a bowl.

Her smile was strained, her skin had a gray sheen to it, and there were dark circles under her eyes. Even though she was bravely facing each new challenge that came her way, they were definitely taking their toll.

“Chocolate for dessert.” He tossed her one of the bars Miriam had stockpiled.

“Now you’re talking.” She ripped open the bar and demolished it, ignoring the chili.

Mace didn’t blame her. The stuff in cans wasn’t that great. “Here, drink up. We don’t want to become dehydrated.” He placed a bottle of cold water beside her.

“Thanks.” Her eyes fell on his datapad, which he’d connected to the wall of screens.

“I found a wired-in port,” he said as he polished off his chili. “Once we’re done, we can call my team and hopefully come up with a plan to get out of here.”