Page 108 of Red Zone (Red Zone 1)

“Sam?” She looked down at the rattler, who practically preened.

Tell her how brilliant I am, the diamondback demanded. Tell her I saved her. Not you. Me.

Smug pain in his ass. Striker scowled at the reptile before turning back to Friday. “Far as we can figure, when the rattler bit you, his mutated venom ate the Interferan-X.”

She blinked at him a couple of times, thinking. The sight made him want to shout from the rafters because it meant she was back. “I need a blood sample and access to the lab.”

He couldn’t help his grin. “DNA study has to wait. You need to get your strength back first.”

“I have questions.”

“I bet you do, and I’m sure you’ll be able to find the answers to them. Later. Once you’re better.” He paused before deciding just to spit it out. “I have to tell you something else. The venom changed you a little bit.” Her eyes went wide, and he rushed to reassure her. “They’re good changes. You look real cute.”

“Striker?” Her tone was losing some if its weakness. Which was good. Mostly. Unless she started shouting.

“Hey, look who’s awake.”

He almost sighed with relief when Doc walked into the room. The medic headed straight for the bed and came up short when Friday looked up at him.

“Holy crap,” he said.

“What’s wrong? What is it?” Her gaze moved rapidly between them.

“Thanks a lot,” Striker grumbled. “I had her all calm, and you blew it.”

He had the decency to look sheepish. “Sorry.”

“What’s going on?” Friday struggled to sit up, and he reached over to help her. “What aren’t you telling me?”

“Let’s get you out of bed, and I’ll explain everything.” Or better yet, put her in front of a mirror and let her see for herself.

“Yes. Good idea,” Doc stopped gaping long enough to say. “I need to unhook you from the equipment.”

Friday pinned Striker with a glare. “You will tell me everything and answer all of my questions.”

“Promise.” He lifted their entwined fingers and kissed her knuckles. “You just woke up. Let’s get you sorted first.”

She wasn’t convinced, but she nodded.

Tell her about the snake, the rattler demanded. Tell her she carries my mate.

Reptiles don’t mate. How many times do I have to tell you this? You sleep around. It’s what you do.

I mate. The rattler hissed at him and started shaking his tail.

He rolled his eyes. You’re an embarrassment to your species.

And you are a dickhead.

I liked you better when you couldn’t talk.

The rattler narrowed his eyes and struck out, biting him on the shoulder. “Hey, that hurts. You’re damn lucky the poison has no effect on me.” He rubbed the bite. “I swear, if I thought I could survive without you, I’d turn you into a pair of boots.”

“Striker!” Friday was outraged as Doc chuckled.

He shrugged. “That talking handbag is a pain in my ass. He never shuts up, and he’s got an ego like you wouldn’t believe. You try listening to him all the damn time. His only saving grace is that he likes to sleep.”

The rattler rubbed its face along Friday’s jaw, cuddling into her. She softened, smiling down at him and petting him. Asshole.