Page 99 of Action

A shock ran from his belly straight to his hair. Jack felt like someone had put him in a microwave and pressed well done. His teeth clen

ched. He made a gurgling sound and was pretty sure he was foaming at the mouth. He hit the deck with a shudder. Derek leaned over him.

“You’re a big guy. I obviously didn’t use enough power. You shouldn’t be conscious right now. Never mind, we can fix that.”

There was a jab in his side. His head went fizz. The lights went out.

In two hours Davina had acquired a new set of lingerie, bath salts that smelled of roses and an extra-large tray of Thornton’s chocolates to make up for the happy tin that was still with Jack. She felt better, which she knew was a bad thing. When the credit card bills came through, her shopping spree would seem like insanity. Mainly because it was insanity. She now had absolutely no spare money on any of her credit cards and nothing in the bank. Even in her shopping-induced haze, she had to admit that it probably wasn’t the wisest course of action for an unemployed actress living on debt. But it was nice underwear. She promised herself that first thing in the morning she would hunt for a proper job. Anything to pay the bills and give her time to sort her life out – five or ten years should do it.

She used the last of her cash to take a cab home knowing that a public bus would do just as well. It seemed to Davina that a person could reach a point in amassing debt, where economising just didn’t make sense anymore.

Once out of the cab, she carted her bags up the veranda steps, wiggled her key in the wonky lock just-so to make it open and swung the door wide. Two steps into the house she knew something was very wrong. She stood still while her skin tingled. She strained to listen. Nothing. Not a sound. But the silence wasn’t dead, it was waiting to pounce. Slowly, she placed her bags on the mat beside the door.

“Jack?” she called.

She hadn’t seen a car, but he could have parked round the back of the house. He was sneaky like that. She took a few silent steps down the hall.

“Hello?” she called again, but still there was no reply.

She began to feel that same tightening in her stomach that she got before performing in front of a live audience. It wasn’t good.

She tiptoed towards the kitchen and that’s when she heard it. Voices. Davina held her breath as she pressed her ear to the heavy wooden door.

“Leave her out of this. This is between you and me.”

Her breath hitched. Jack.

“I don’t think you’re in the position to make demands.”

Davina’s jaw dropped. Derek? It couldn’t be.

“If you hurt her...” Jack again. His tone sent chills through her.

“You’ll what?” Derek said with an eerie giggle. “Kill me with a glare? How about you shut up or I’ll zap you again? Or tape your mouth, as soon as I find the damn tape. Doesn’t this woman ever clean up.”

Tape? Zap? Jack was in danger. Without another thought, Davina straightened her shoulders, frowned at the door and threw it wide.

“Run,” Jack growled.

He was tied to a kitchen chair, hands behind his back, ankles against the wooden legs. Davina fought the urge to rush at him and throw her arms around him.

“This is another fine mess you’ve gotten yourself into,” she said, with what she hoped was a sassy smile.

Davina turned to Derek, who was rummaging through her junk drawer which was right beside the knife block. There was a stun gun on the counter in front of him.

“Derek,” Davina said. “You should have called. If I’d known you were coming I’d have baked a cake.”

She wondered if anyone would notice that she was only speaking in lines from movies she’d watched. She swallowed hard.

Derek ran a hand over his hair to smooth it back into place.

“I had planned on surprising you, but got your boyfriend instead.”

He motioned towards Jack who was obviously using the power of thought to turn Derek to stone.

“So,” Davina said, “is there a plan, Derek, or did you just tie Jack up for fun? Goodness knows I’ve enjoyed that, but I didn’t think Jack was your type.”

She smiled and winked at Jack in an attempt to reassure him. He didn’t have to worry. She was going to rescue him. She’d figure something out. Eventually. A flicker of confusion went across Jack’s face. Davina turned her attention back to Derek.