Page 94 of Action

“You would have to catch me, and trust me, you’re not that good.”

“Fine. I’m just waiting for some stuff to come together so I can approach her in the right way.” Jack took a deep breath. “I will fix things. I was planning to fix things before you interfered, just so you know. Fixing things isn’t your idea.”

She rolled her eyes.

“I don’t care whose idea it is, numbnuts, I just want you to stop being an idiot and apologise to Davy in a way that will make her hear it. Got it?”

“Can you get out now?”

“With pleasure.”

She stormed to the door.

“And take a shower. You stink,” she said before she slammed the door behind her.

Jack sat on his old grey sofa, put his face in his hands and concentrated on breathing slowly. A month ago he spent his time watching daytime TV and eating cold pizza. Now, he had to deal with two insane women. He pitied the man who ever took on Marianne. In the meantime, he had his own problems. He had to figure out what to do with Davy, and fast. Otherwise he’d be eating hidden laxatives and dealing with blocked plumbing at the same time. Not a delightful thought. He reached for the phone. It was time to put a rush on the job he’d ordered. By the sounds of things, the sooner he presented his gift to Davina and smoothed things over, the better.

“Get out of bed,” Marianne o

rdered. “You have visitors.”

Davina buried her head further under the duvet.

“If it’s Jack you can tell him to go to...”

The duvet disappeared. Bright sunlight attacked Davina as she shivered against the cold.

“I said visitors. Plural. Get dressed. I’ll make them tea.”

Marianne disappeared mumbling something about feeling like the housekeeper before Davina could ask about the visitors. She pressed her head back into the pillow and groaned. The last thing she wanted to do was see people. She didn’t even want to see daylight. She wanted to hide in bed until she miraculously felt better about life. If that ever happened.

“Davina?” Marianne’s voice hollered up the stairs.

Davina pummelled the mattress in frustration but dragged herself out of bed anyway. She glanced at the clock and was surprised to see how late in the morning it was – she’d been asleep for about fourteen hours. Even she knew that wasn’t a good thing. Ten minutes later she was dressed in blue jeans, knitted socks and an old grey sweatshirt. She’d pulled her hair into a messy knot on top of her head and hadn’t bothered with makeup. She was pretty proud that she’d had the energy to brush her teeth. Everything else felt like a mountain.

Davina’s heart sank when she entered the kitchen to find the three teenage boys from her movie, flanked by their mothers. Great. Now she’d get it for corrupting their minors as well as everything else. Marianne handed her a hot mug of tea with a smile so fake everyone must have noticed.

“Be nice,” Marianne hissed.

“Hello,” Davina said, then she stopped. She had no idea what else to say.

“You must be Davina,” one of the women said as she stood.

She stepped towards Davina and for a second Davina thought the woman was going to hit her.

“Madge Carmichael, David’s mother,” the woman said as she stuck out her hand.

“Pleased to meet you,” Davina mumbled as she gave Marianne a confused look.

Marianne shrugged, clearly no wiser than Davina.

“We wanted to come see you in person and thank you for your efforts with the boys,” Madge said cheerily. “We were sad to hear that the project has finished.”

Huh? Davina knew she was standing with her mouth hanging open, she just didn’t seem to have the energy to shut it.

“Yes,” one of the other mothers said. “It’s amazing the change in attitude since the boys started helping with your movie. Brian’s suddenly seen the importance of an English qualification and his teachers across the board have commented that he has more focus.”

The last woman patted her son’s head, making him grumble.