Page 86 of Action

“Like what?”

He looked ruffled and sexy, which was exactly how he’d looked at 4 a.m. when she’d jumped him for the third time. Unfortunately, now it was daylight, there were people in her house and everything had changed.

“Like how to get you out of here,” she said.

Jack ran a hand over his hair, which was already standing on end. Davina realised her words had come out all wrong.

“I mean...” she started.

“How to make sure I leave without seeing the house before the inspection,” he said.

Davina smiled. He did understand.

“I have a way to deal with that,” he said as he tugged at the sheet covering her. “We stay in bed until Tuesday, that way I can’t see anything until inspection day.”

Davina pulled the sheet back into place as she peered up at him.

“Unfortunately, it isn’t that simple.” She frowned. Maybe she should tell him what was going on? “Do you still think I’m doing something illegal?” she said.

Jack smiled wickedly.

“Oh, I know you are.”

Davina’s heart sank. Nothing had changed. He was still out to get her. She couldn’t tell him anything. At least not until the movie was over and all the equipment was back.

“Well,” she said, as she slid out of bed and into her pink robe. “I guess last night was just a little vacation from us. Now, you need to get dressed and get out of here. Without inspecting anything.”

She looked around the room and her eyes fell on a scarf.

“Maybe I should blindfold you?” she said.

“I like that idea.” Jack grinned. He wasn’t taking her seriously at all. “How about you get rid of the folk downstairs and I’ll let you tie me up again. Get yourself a tub of ice cream and it could turn into an interesting day.”

Davina stilled – it was as though he’d read her mind. She’d love to have him at her mercy and eat ice cream off those abs. She shook her head.

“I have work to do,” she told him. “I have a deadline. You need to leave.”

Jack rubbed a hand over his face.

“Look, about the deadline,” he said.

The doorbell rang.

“Ignore it,” he said. “I need to tell you something.”

Davina glanced towards the bedroom door.

“Davina,” shouted Marianne. “You need to get down here.” There was a pause. “Get dressed first.”

Davina frowned. What the heck was going on? Jack shuffled across the bed to sit on the edge. He grabbed her hand.

“Davy,” he said earnestly. “I need to tell you something, about the inspection, about this last week. It will only take a minute.”

His serious tone worried her.

“Davina?” Marianne shouted a little more hysterically. “Are you coming? This is important.”

Davina pulled her hand free from Jack’s grip.