Page 78 of Action

“About this height.” He held up his hand to the middle of his face. “Long auburn hair, killer body, probably wrapped in spandex.”

“It doesn’t ring any bells.”

Jack ground his teeth. The guy had to be thick. No way he’d miss a looker like Davy. Unless, the best friend had given him the wrong information. He felt the muscles in his face clench with anger at the thought.

“She’s with a guy.” Jack tried again. “He looks like a Ken Doll.”

“Ah,” the guy said. “They’re in the bay window at the back.”

Jack stepped past the man as though he was invisible and headed in the direction he’d pointed. It took him a minute to realise that Ken Doll was indeed there, but he appeared to be eating with someone other than Davy.

He did a double take. Then a slow smile curved his mouth. Davy was in disguise. That’s my girl, he thought. She was working at keeping Ken Doll at arm’s length. He felt his chest puff with pride. She could handle herself, he was right. But it didn’t change a thing.

He was still going to rip the legs off Ken Doll.

Davina stopped chewing the chocolate tart as soon as she caught sight of Jack. Derek had his back to him, so continued to wax lyrical about all his wonderful attributes. Davina couldn’t take her eyes off of Jack. He was charging through the dining room, oblivious to the staring diners. Fury came off him in waves. At last Davina remembered to swallow. There could only be one explanation for Jack’s appearance. He’d been in the house. He’d seen the borrowed equipment. The gig was up.

“Davy,” he said tightly. “Derek.”

He stood beside them, arms folded. He seemed to fill the dining room as he towered over them.

“Davina?” Derek sounded bewildered. “Is there a reason your gardener is here?”

Jack held Davina’s eyes for a beat. She swallowed hard.

“Ah, uh,” she said as her mouth dried up. “He isn’t exactly the gardener...” She felt her face begin to flush.

The words stuck in her throat. She could barely admit the facts to herself, let alone say them out loud. How was she supposed to explain to Derek that Jack was her landlord, that he’d found out her lies and the movie was over? She glanced away from Derek’s condescending face to peek at Jack’s thunderous one. There was no getting out of it.

“He’s...” she started.

“...her boyfriend,” Jack finished. Davina’s jaw dropped to her chest.

“And—” Jack’s voice was low rumble. “I don’t appreciate it when someone muscles in on my territory.”

Derek was buffeted by the waves of testosterone coming off Jack.

“She’s mine,” Jack said. “You need to get lost.”

Before Davina could react, let alone say

anything, Jack cupped the back of her head, angled her face upwards and leaned towards her. Oh my, Davina thought in the split second before his lips were on hers. She was far too tense and confused to deal with this. But Jack’s mouth wouldn’t take no for an answer. He demanded that she kiss him back. And she did. Feverishly. When his lips were gone, she felt slightly bruised and very dazed. Now, where were they? Oh, Derek. The look on her cameraman’s face said it all. He was not amused.

“What do you think you’re doing?” Derek demanded.

Davina wasn’t quite sure who the question was aimed at. Jack was no help – he did his best Greek statue impersonation beside her.

“You can’t lead a man on like this,” Derek said.

Oh. He was talking to her.

“I didn’t lead you on. I agreed to dinner.”

“You agreed to a whole lot more than that.”

She saw Jack stiffen out of the corner of her eye and got the distinct impression he was going to thump Derek.

“I did not,” she said, in what she hoped was a soothing tone.