Page 70 of Action

He looked at her as if to say – see what I mean?

“It’s drama, Jack,” she said through clenched teeth.

“It’s rubbish. A guy would say – knock it off, Rebecca. Stop wasting your time on this loser, come with me. I’ll make you happy.”

He waved the script at her.

“That’s all you need,” he told her. “Not this flowery garbage. No man talks like this.”

She glared at him.

“Marianne,” she screeched.

Marianne appeared at the front door. Her hands were on her hips. She looked like an uptight head mistress of an exclusive school for girls.

“Just read the lines,” she told Jack. “Keep your opinions to yourself and read the lines. Got it?”

She was pretty scary.

“Got it,” he told her, and she disappeared again.

He pursed his lips as he looked at the script.

“From the top,” Davina said.

She was dressed demurely in a pair of jeans and a check shirt. Her wild hair was in a braid and her makeup was seriously toned down. She was cute and sexy at the same time.

“Jonathan,” she said softly, “you came back.”

Jack rolled his eyes.

“I had to, my darling, I never told you how much I love you.”

He was going to be sick.

“What century is this set in? Is Jane Austen around?” he said in disgust.

“JUST READ THE DAMN SCRIPT!” Marianne shouted from inside the house.

He let out a long sigh.

Getting Jack to work the scene with her was a mistake, in more ways than she could count. The top two being that he sucked at it and he’d shown how much her script had sucked too. The third reason had nothing to do with the movie. After an afternoon of listening to Jack’s character tell her that he loved her, the lines in her head were blurred.

“I love you, Rebecca,” he said in character, “I do. I really do.”

Davina’s heart jumped to her mouth.

“Do you?” she said.

Jack, no Jonathan, reached out to brush a hair from her cheek.

“If you believe anything about this whole crazy situation, then believe this.” He looked her straight in the eye and Davina’s world faded. “I love you,” he said softly.

And then he leaned in and kissed her. It was a soft kiss, but his lips lingered on hers until the warmth from it reached her toes. When he moved away from her, his hand was still on her cheek. They looked into each other’s eyes and nothing else mattered.

“There’s no kiss in this scene,” Derek shouted.

Davina blinked.