Page 65 of Action

She shuffled and twisted in her seat until she was sitting astride him. That was better. The steering wheel pressed against her back but she didn’t care. She grabbed a handful of his T-shirt and pulled. She wanted to feel the warmth of his skin against her. She wanted all of him. Now. Jack read her mind again. He stopped his teasing kisses long enough to whip his T-shirt over his head. At last she had access to the chest that danced through her dreams, enticing her endlessly with possibilities. Her fingers wove through the dark curly hair across his muscles. She licked her lips. Jack’s hands on her hips pulled her towards him. She could feel him now and it made her swoon.

“Your turn,” his raspy voice mumbled.

It took her a minute to realise what he meant. She obviously wasn’t moving fast enough for Jack. He pulled the bottom of her sweater, yanked it over her head and threw it behind him.

“Man, but you are gorgeous,” he said before dipping his head to kiss the full curve of her breasts.

Davina ran her fingers into his hair and gripped tightly, her head fell back, her back arched towards him as Jack’s lips trailed along the lace barrier of her bra.

“This has to go, Davy,” he told her.

She felt the fastener of her bra pop behind her and her support disappeared – suddenly she was loose in his hands. He growled deep in his throat. Davina pressed into him. Divine. It was divine. One hand moved lazily down her stomach. A second later she felt his fingers pop the button on the top of her jeans. The zip lowered. He ran the flat palm of his hand around her waist, slid his hand into the back of her jeans and held her behind. All the while he massaged her breast and teased her lips with gentle kisses.

“We need to get these off,” he said against her mouth.

Davina couldn’t open her eyes, let alone reply. Everything about her felt liquid and heavy. He tugged at her jeans. All she could do was muster the strength to obediently lift her behind so that he could pull them down.

A sharp horn blast stopped the two of them in their tracks.

“You sat on the horn,” he told her.

Breathless, she tried to manoeuvre into a better position. She felt dazed. It was difficult to think clearly. For a while there she hadn’t even been in the car, he’d taken her to a much better place. She pushed upwards so that Jack could move her jeans down her thighs. Her head hit the roof with a thud.

“Ouch,” Jack said.

His hands stilled on her jeans. Suddenly the happy place that Davina had been transported to seemed very far away. Her surroundings came into sharp, uncomfortable focus. She wanted the happy place back. She liked the happy place. It was better than sugar. In one last attempt to get back there, Davina put her foot on the passenger seat and pushed herself up on it. If they could get the clothes out of the way, there would be no more distractions and she could focus on floating away. Jack tugged her

jeans over her hips. They slid down without a problem. Davina sighed. Everything was going to be okay. In a second his lips would be back on her skin where they belonged and the tiny little fireworks would return. Bliss.

And then she slipped.

Her right knee came down hard on Jack. On Mr Big to be exact. There was a strangled cry, a high pitched squeak and then a long, long groan. His hands left her to cup himself. From what little light there was in the car, she could see he’d gone pale. Grey almost. Davina scrambled off him and onto the passenger seat.

“I am so, so sorry,” she said.

She held her hands out to touch him, to help somehow, but she didn’t know what to do so they hung useless in mid-air.

Jack held up a hand. Whether it was to stop her, or an attempt to communicate, she couldn’t tell. It was obvious that he wasn’t capable of speech. He made a little strangled noise as he doubled forward. Davina didn’t know what to do. She grabbed her sweater and pulled it on over her head. Her mind raced frantically.

“I’ll get you some ice,” she told him. “I really am sorry. Oh, this is terrible. I’ll get the ice.”

He made a low guttural growl.

“I’ll be right back.” She threw herself from the car, pulled up her jeans and ran up the steps to the house.

Now it was embarrassment that made her cheeks burn instead of lust.

There wasn’t any ice in the freezer so she grabbed a bag of frozen peas. At the last second she reached into the medical cabinet and snatched the aspirin. A moment later she barrelled out of the door, only to find that Jack, his car and her happy tin were all gone.

For a second Davina stood in the cold night air wondering what had just happened. Then slowly, she turned and started the long, lonely walk into the house. She really needed a good cup of tea. Unfortunately, she also needed the treat tin that had disappeared with Jack. Tonight would have been the perfect night to throw away her rules and reservations and just eat the whole bloody tin.

She slammed the door hard behind her.



DAVINA HAD TWO PROBLEMS. She scoffed at the thought – if only there were just two. Okay, but at the moment, she had two. The first was what to say to Jack when she saw him, the second was how to get Jack to act in a scene without him knowing.