Page 34 of Action

Jack ignored her. Davina prodded his side.

“Come on, tell me. Is it some big secret or something?” Her eyes widened. “Was he with MI5?” she said with awe.

She flushed when Jack looked at her. It was clear he thought she was nuts.

“You really have more imagination than you know what to do with, don’t you?” he said.

“So?” she prompted.

He sighed.

“Dad was a dentist.”

“Like your sister.”

“Like my sister.”

“And your other sister writes, like your mum?”

“What’s your point, Davy?”

“So what made you join the police force?”

He gave her a sidelong look.

“To catch criminals like you.”

She rolled her eyes.

“Come on, what was the reason?”

“None of your business.”

Now she was even more curious.

“I’ll just keep pestering you until you tell me and it can be a very long drive into London.”

He grumbled something to himself that she couldn’t quite make out.

“Well?” She elbowed him again.

“Fine.” He frowned. “It was Hill Street Blues.”

Davina blinked.

“The TV show?” She grinned. “You joined the police because of an American TV show?”

Jack actually blushed.

“I thought it was cool. It looked like something I could do. So when my careers adviser asked me in school what I wanted to be, I said police. And here I am.” He paused. “Was, I mean.”

Davina started to giggle, but had to stop because her dress made it painful.

“And the drug division? Did you see that on Hill Street Blues too?”

It was agony trying not to laugh.

“No. I was naturally good at that. I have an instinct for it. Trust me.”