Page 25 of Action

“Jack, darling,” she said with false cheer, “how delightful to see you again. So soon.”

She thought she saw him swallow a smile.

“So what brings you out here, to my home, where I’m supposed to be entitled to privacy?”


“On the veranda?”

That did make him smile. It happened quickly, but she definitely saw it.

“Came up here for some shade. You were right yesterday. This place needs some maintenance.”

“I also said it should happen when I leave.”

“Really? Missed that part. No time like the present, I always say.”

Yeah, right. She looked at the back door.

“Have you been snooping?” she said as she put her hand on her hip.

He puffed out his very bare, very muscled chest.

“Me?” he said with mock affront.

Davina was momentarily distracted by the whorls of black hair that made a perfect v shape in the middle of his chest. She shook her head.

“Yes, you,” she told him. “I thought we agreed yesterday that you wouldn’t stalk me anymore.”

“I don’t remember saying that, Davy.”

“It was implied. This is getting creepy. Don’t you have a life? Do you really need mine?”

His mouth twitched again.

“I just came here to tidy my garden. It isn’t all about you, Davy.”

“And will you please stop calling me that? It’s Davina. DA-VI-NA.”

The man was seriously infuriating. Not to mention distracting. What was he doing bare-chested in the middle of October anyway? It wasn’t normal.

“Fine,” she told him as she stomped up the steps to her door, “if you’re gardening, stay in the garden. Keep away from the house.”

She stopped level with him at the top of the steps.

“For goodness sake, put some clothes on.”

Jack looked down at himself.

“This is bothering you?”

“You’re bothering me.”

She put the key in the lock and it only turned over once. She could have sworn she’d double locked it. Her eyes narrowed.

“And another thing,” she told him. “I’m going to put an alarm on the doors, so don’t get any ideas about breaking the agreement.”

“Wouldn’t dare.” He crossed the veranda to stand in front of her. “But a comment like that makes me wonder again what you’re hiding.”