Page 20 of Action

“Oh, glitter.” She leaned against the glass counter which was full of sugar decorations and sighed. Bliss.

Betsy put the cake tins on the counter along with a little brown paper bag. Davina scooped the paper bag into her handbag.

“What was that?” Jack said.

When she turned, he was pointing at her bag. With a heavy sigh, she retrieved the brown paper bag. She opened it and shoved it under his nose.

“Even though I don’t have to tell you anything – here, look for yourself.”

He did. He took out a small jar of edible gold dust and stared at the label, clearly mystified.

“What is this?” he demanded, which made her wonder again if he could read.

“It’s fairy dust,” she told him. “Go ahead, sprinkle some on yourself and fly away.”

He waved the jar at her as though it was evidence.

“Is this payment for something?”

The three women stared at him.

“You paint icing with it,” Davina said at last.

“As far as I know it isn’t currency,” Miss Clara said drolly.

“Except, maybe, for the fairies,” Betsy said helpfully.

Jack gave them the evil eye before returning the paper bag. Davina rolled her eyes for the other women to see as she turned back to the counter.

“I’ll need some naughty cupcake cases,” she leaned closer so she could whisper. “And I’ll take the penis shaped chocolate moulds.”

“Chocolate penises?” Jack boomed behind her. “What the hell kind of shop is this?”

She spun around to find that he’d moved from the middle of the shop where she’d left him to stand right behind her. She frowned – she would have to remember that he was light on his feet.

“I’m catering a hen party,” she told him as haughtily as she could.

“And what exactly are you putting in the chocolate penises?”

The man had to be completely thick.

“Chocolate,” she said.

His face said ‘yeah, right’. She turned back to Miss Clara.

“Can I pay you at the end of the month?”

“Of course you can. As long as you bring me some of those wonderful brownies next time you’re in?”

“It’s my pleasure,” Davina said.

When she turned back to Jack he’d gone into man mountain mode. The jacket was back on. The arms were folded and every muscle screamed tension.

“What?” she demanded.

He shook his head slowly with disgust.

“I’m on to you, Davy. It’s just a matter of time until I get the evidence I need. You should keep that in mind.”