Page 64 of Action

Jack was looking at her like she was nuts. Or like he couldn’t quite figure her out. Or both. Slowly, he leaned forward and peered in the tin.

“What the...?” he said.

Davina sighed.

“I know. It’s my vice. I make sweets when no one is looking and then I don’t share. It’s terrible.” She flushed.

Jack’s eyes met hers. Davina felt the look straight to her toes.

“And you’re sharing them with me?” he said softly.

Davina couldn’t trust herself to talk so she nodded.

“Okay then,” he said slowly as though he was mystified.

Davina held the tin out towards him. Jack took it, put it on his lap and peered inside. Davina felt as though she’d just given her newborn to someone else to cuddle for the first time ever. She watched as Jack studied the contents of the tin. At last he picked a piece of coconut ice and a large chocolate peppermint cream. His attention was still on the sweets, and Davina was about to remind him that he was only allowed two, when he turned to her.

“You make these?” he asked with awe.

She nodded. He handed her the tin. Davina picked a vanilla bon-bon and a hazelnut praline, reminded herself about the two-is-the-limit rule and woefully replaced the lid. She put the tin on the seat behind her in case the temptation to break the rule became too much. In silence, as though savouring a fine wine, they ate their treats. Davina watched for Jack’s reaction and saw his eyes widen at the first bite. He made a little ‘mmm’ sound as he ate, which made her feel extremely proud. With her eyes shut Davina bit into her chocolate and let the sensations take her away. Wonderful. She relaxed back into the soft leather chair and felt the day’s problems melt from her bones. But, as was usually the case, the chocolate was finished far too fast and she was left feeling a little cold and empty. She opened her eyes to see Jack staring at her. He’d turned in his seat towards her and his gaze was intense.

“So,” Davina said. “Wasn’t that the most delightful sweet treat you’ve ever had?”

“I’ll let you know in a minute,” he told her.

As if in slow motion Jack moved towards her. His hand cupped the back of her head and his eyes never left hers. Davina sucked in a quick breath. There were no words in her head. And then Jack’s lips were on hers and she heard herself sigh against them. He tasted of coconut ice and peppermint. She got to have four treats instead of the usual two. And these ones came with warm, soft lips that were teasing her into another realm entirely.

Without thinking of anything at all, Davina’s fingers found the front of Jack’s shirt and gathered it into her hands. His tongue trailed slowly around her lips in a lazy circle. For a second he pulled away from her.

“I have no idea what you just ate,” his breathless voice told her. “But I know I’m having that next time.”

And just as Davina began to fight the fog inside her head so that she could answer him, his lips returned. Better. Much better than talking. As Jack’s tongue explored her mouth, his fingers tugged the hair band from her hair making it fall loosely about her shoulders. His fingers raked through it as he pressed in towards her. Davina turned her face up towards him and he took it as the hint it was meant to be, trailing delicate kisses down her throat to her shoulder. He nuzzled at the spot that drove her wild and tiny fireworks popped inside her eyelids.

She wasn’t sure if it was the intimate environment, the warmth inside where there was cold outside, or the fact all she could hear was Jack’s breathing, but Davina felt carried away on a wave of wanting. She leaned in towards him and felt his hand glide down the curve of her spine and his thumb slide under her sweater to stroke the small of her back. A tiny groan escaped her. He pulled her tight towards him and somehow the show of strength made her want him more. She shifted in her seat as he nibbled her earlobe. Her hands began to explore his chest, inching their way towards those wide, wide shoulders of his. The feeling of all that muscle and power beneath her fingertips made her heady. She tried to get into a more comfortable position, but the cramped quarters of the car were making it difficult. As if reading her mind, Jack’s hands suddenly materialised at her waist and the next thing she knew, she was airborne. A second later she was sitting in his lap.

“Better,” he growled against her mouth.

And it was indeed.

“This spot, I love this spot,” he mumbled before biting the tense muscle on her shoulder. It sent electric shocks through her body making her shudder.

“Do you have any more of these?”

He didn’t make any sense. He licked his way up her shoulder then nibbled her ear.

“Never mind, I’ll find them myself,” he said before his mouth went back to her neck. His tongue made a circle in the hollow of her throat. Davina made a low growling noise that she’d never heard before.

“Another magic spot,” he mumbled.

His chatter was distracting her from the delightful haze that had engulfed her senses.

“Shut up and concentrate,” she mumbled. “You’re distracting me and you can’t possibly do your best work when you talk this much.”

Suddenly his face appeared in front of her. He was grinning. The man was always smiling about something, but now wasn’t the time. Not when she was feeling all warm and gooey inside.

“You’re some woman, Davy,” he said and before she could reply he was kissing her again.

That was more like it. Oh, but he tasted better than a whole tin of treats. She felt giddy at the thought. He could replace her secret treats. She could indulge in him as much as she liked without gaining even a pound in weight.