Page 40 of Action

“Uh, uh.”

He looked at the bra as though it was radioactive. There was no way he was touching it. It was one thing taking it off a woman in the heat of the moment, another to parade through a department store looking for its mate.

Davina’s happy face was gone.

“You broke it. I need another to get out of here. I can’t leave without a bra.”

“Why not?”

She seemed to be grinding her teeth.

“Because I will bounce and jiggle all over the place.”

He looked down at her.

“I don’t see a problem.”

“I do. Get me a new bra, Jack.”

He swallowed hard and took the bra. He crumpled it up into a ball in his hand and hoped no one would notice he was carrying red lace. He pulled back the curtain.

“And Jack,” Davina said.

He heaved a sigh as he turned towards her.

“Thanks for rescuing me,” she said. Her green eyes were wide with sincerity.

Suddenly he didn’t care where they were or who was watching. He wanted to grab Davina and carry on where they’d left off.

Before he could do something else he would regret, he let the curtain fall and marched in the direction of the lingerie department. He didn’t see any of the women in his path. His mind was full of Davina.

Davina rested her cheek on the cool glass of the mirror. Holy cow. She’d seriously considered jumping the man in the changing room at Harvey Nichols. What was it about him that made her even crazier than usual? He touched her and little bubbles worked their way throughout her whole body. Effervescent. His touch was effervescent. Davina groaned. She had to get out of there. And fast. She’d never been blessed with a massive amount of self-control and she was pretty sure she’d just used up the last of her daily quota. There was no telling what she would do when Jack returned.

There was only one thing for it. She would have to make a run for it. Bra or no bra. She poked her head out of the curtain to call the sales assistant.

“My dress ripped,” she told her. “I’m going to wear these home. Can you cut off the tags?”

The woman took the black jeans, autumn green cashmere sweater and matching green wrap coat from Davina.

“Please bag this too,” she said as she handed her the shredded dress and red trench coat.

“You know this isn’t in my job description, right?” the tiny blonde said.

Davina b


“I’m sure being nice to paying customers is though, isn’t it?”

The woman wandered off, muttering to herself. Davina stared at her reflection.

“Repeat after me,” she told herself. “You will not let Jack distract you. You are making a movie. You need to focus on the plan. Remember the plan? Don’t let Jack get in the way. This is your chance at stardom. Probably the last you’ll get. FOCUS.” When she’d finished lecturing herself she felt a lot better.

“Are you there?” called the sales assistant.

Davina rolled her eyes. Where else would she be? She reached out for the clothes.

“It’s all rung up at the sales desk when you’re ready,” the blonde said. “I’ll wait and walk you over there.”