Page 38 of Action

It took a minute for her words to sink in and then a slow, feral smile took over his face.

“Stuck how?”

She glanced around to see if anyone was listening and then lowered her voice.

“I, uh, was trying to get out of this dress and the zip burst. Now I can’t get it off and I can’t walk around with it gaping open.”

Jack wasn’t surprised. He wasn’t even sure how she’d gotten into it in the first place. Not that he didn’t appreciate the effort. He folded his arms.

“And you want me to do what?”

“I want you to come in here and fix it.”

Now, wasn’t this day looking up?

“Now, isn’t this interesting,” he said. “You need me. How about we negotiate. You tell me what you’re doing in my house and I’ll help you with your predicament.”

Davina blew her hair out of her eye.

“People are looking,” she hissed.

“I don’t care. I’m not the one in half a dress. So how about it, Davy, got anything you want to say to me?”

“Other than that you are a complete moron?”

“Yeah, other than that?”

“Is there a problem?” the sales assistant called over.

“No,” Davina called back with a fake smile, “I just need a little help.”

Her hand reached out to grab Jack’s T-shirt. With one almighty tug he was in the dressing room. And it was better than he hoped.

Davina was holding the front of her dress up with one hand while trying to pull the back together with the other. It was obvious she hoped to appear modest, but her efforts were pointless considering they had mirrors on three sides of them.

“Stop grinning,” she said.

He wasn’t aware that he was.

“I need you to fix the zip.”

Now that he knew he was grinning, he grinned wider.

“Come on, Jack,” she said. Her cheeks were almost as red as the broken dress. “Help me.”

He’d planned to use the situation to his advantage. But when Davina looked up at him and batted her long thick eyelashes, he stilled. Vulnerable. She was vulnerable. And he didn’t like it one bit.

“Fine,” he grumbled. “Turn around.”

She bit her lip, but did as she was told. Jack surveyed the damage while Davina stared at him in the mirror.

“Just make the zip go up or down,” she told him.

“I’m not sure we can do either.” His voice sounded huskier than usual. “The zip has come away from the dress and it looks like it’s stuck in the lace of your bra.”

“Pull it, see if it moves.”

He swallowed hard. The changing room was shrinking. There was barely enough space for the two of them.