Page 37 of Action

They looked at his head again.

“Failing that,” Sebastian said, “maybe some super glue.”

They both started to giggle.

“Enough,” Jack said. “Time to go.”

Davina made a strangled noise, air kissed her hairdresser and stalked, as best she could in those silly shoes she wore, to the door.

The bodyguard shook his head slowly. Jack couldn’t tell if it was out of sympathy or astonishment at Jack’s ignorance. And honestly, he didn’t care.

“Where to now?”

He jangled his car keys as Davina shrugged into her red trench coat. She was red head to toe, even her hair seemed redder now. It was as though she was on fire. He could definitely feel the heat.

“Leave the car,” she said. “It isn’t far.”

Jack walked beside her through the London streets wondering how a trench coat could be so revealing. He should have told her to change clothes entirely.

“So what is it now? A manicure? Facial?”

She pursed her lips.

“You’re the one who wanted to tag along.”

He couldn’t argue with that, so they walked in silence. His heart sank when he saw the destination. They were going shopping.

“You’ve got to be kidding me,” he said as she pushed through the revolving door into the department store.

“Fifty percent off today only,” she told him with a grin.

Jack wanted to stay in the door and revolve all the way around until he was back on the street, but he’d come too far to abandon her now. He narrowed his eyes. Maybe that was her plan, to make him so fed up that he left her alone. Ha. He was on to her. She wouldn’t get rid of him that easily.

An hour later, it was a decision he deeply, deeply regretted. He’d seen more women’s clothing in one afternoon than he’d seen in his whole life. In fact he had seen so much he was beginning to wonder if his oestrogen levels had spiked. He looked down at his old Amnesty International T-shirt to check for breast growth. Nothing yet, but if she dragged him into the lingerie department, he was making a run for it. There was only so much a man could take and a day surrounded by the high-pitched squeals of female bargain hunters was a step too far.

He shifted on one of the tiny green velvet chairs that were stationed outside the changing room, which Davina had disappeared into ten minutes earlier, armed with a pile of clothes. Her eyes had been glazed. If he hadn’t known better he would have thought she was high.

“They got you too, huh,” said a guy sitting beside him.

Jack grunted. He was pretty sure the guy’s stunned look was a mirror of his own.


; Davina pulled back the curtain on the dressing room and poked her head out.

“Jack,” she called, “can you come over here a minute?”

The guy grabbed his arm as he stood.

“Whatever she says, don’t let her make you hunt for another size. It’s a jungle out there.” He pointed to the sales floor.

Jack shook free. He was seriously beginning to think he was the only sane one in the building. He sauntered over to Davina’s changing room.

“What is it?” he said to the floating head.

Davina’s cheeks flushed a deep red.

“I need help. I’m stuck.”