Page 36 of Action

It was on the tip of his tongue to say drug dealer. Truth be told, he wasn’t sure what she was – a minion at the local TV station, maybe.

“Can’t say,” he told the guy.

The bodyguard nodded wisely.

“I’m with the blonde. Party girl.”

They looked at the blonde, who was chatting endlessly about some famous guy she’d met the night before. The bodyguard reached into his pocket and pulled out an e-reader. He shrugged when he saw Jack looking.

“Lots of down-time on this job,” he said.

“Shouldn’t you be alert in case anyone attacks her?” Jack asked.

“This is a hair salon,” the guy said. “Plus, between you and me, no one knows her. I’m here for show.”

Jack nodded. He had a sneaking suspicion that he was there for show too.

“Done,” Davy said cheerily in front of him.

She swung her hair the way women did when they wanted you to notice it. Well, he wasn’t the boyfriend.

“Great.” He stood. “Let’s go.”

She shook her head.

“What do you think?”

Sebastian appeared by her side. They both waited expectantly. There was no getting away from it.

“You look fine.”

The guy beside him slumped in his chair and tried to appear invisible. The hairdresser was horrified. He flapped his hand in front of his face.

“Fine?” Davina’s voice went up an octave. “Sebastian is an award-winning hairdresser, and you say ‘fine’?”

Her green eyes sparkled with indignation. She patted her hairdresser friend and cooed some reassuring words to him. Jack rolled his eyes. Davina’s long wavy hair was glowing, it bounced and shone in the sunlight. He had an overwhelming urge to bury his face in it.

“Fine,” he said again.

“Never mind,” she told Sebastian. “I mean, look at his head.”

The two of them stared at the top of Jack’s head.

“What?” he said.

“I don’t think even I could do anything with that,” Sebastian said in disgust.

Davina nodded.

“I should buy him some product, see if we can flatten it.”

Sebastian snapped something at a minion and a moment later someone thrust a canister into Jack’s hand. He looked at it as though it’d come straight from the moon.

“My gift,” Sebastian said to Davina.

“Oh, thank you so much,” she gushed, making Jack want to vomit. As far as he could see it was some sort of hair gel, not the Nobel Peace Prize.

“We’ll give it a go later,” Davina promised.