“Interesting group of friends you’ve got here,” Callum McKay, Lake’s buddy from when he was in the SAS, commented drolly.

“He collects us,” Josh said. “We’re his hobby. Lake would be lost without us.”

Lake’s lip twitched at Josh. Mitch sat back up and rolled his eyes at his best friend.

“He doesn’t collect us. He makes no effort to be friendly. It’s as though his lack of response acts like Velcro to all the needy people around him. We attach ourselves to Lake.”

“Who you calling needy?” Flynn said.

“I don’t need anyone,” Matt said. “Well, maybe Jena.” He leered. “But that’s a good kind of need.”

“I need people.” Harry’s fingers tapped on the table as though they couldn’t function without a keyboard under them. “No man is an island.”

Flynn grinned. “I’m an island. I’m bloody Ibiza!”

“About a Boy.” His brother high-fived him. “Classic movie. Even with Hugh Grant.”

Lake shook his head at the brothers as Callum watched in bewilderment. “Are you sure this guy is cut out for business?” He nodded at Harry.

Lake had spent the afternoon in a meeting with Callum and Harry, hammering out a business proposal that would make the three men partners. He knew Callum was still undecided, and part of that was due to working with Harry. At twenty-six, Harry had nowhere near the life experience of Lake and Callum. But they had nowhere near his genius. No one wrote security code like Harry. The guy was a programming genius and an asset they couldn’t afford to exclude.

“This guy,” Harry said without taking offence, “hacked into the Ministry of Defence when he was eleven and they never caught him. I confessed after I rewrote their security program for them. This guy heads a billion-dollar company. And this guy”—he pointed at himself with pride—“knows how to keep a secret. Anyone want to know who really killed Diana? Well, tough. These lips are sealed.” He folded his arms and grinned at the men.

Flynn groaned. “Way to prove you’re mature, bro.”

“Was that what I was supposed to do? I thought I was proving I was skilled.” Harry turned to Callum. “If you’re looking for serious and mature, you’re better off with Grunt.”

Grunt grunted helpfully to prove Harry’s point.

Callum shook his head. “What the hell am I doing here?”

“Having fun?” Mitch said. “No. Me neither.”

Callum stared at Mitch, but Lake knew he was amused—his way of showing it was to frown less. Lake watched as Callum’s hand twitched on his thigh and his jaw tightened slightly. Lake knew his friend was fighting the urge to rub his leg. He’d recently been fitted with two new prosthetics and they were giving him some trouble. Not that Callum would admit it.

“This is mind-numbing,” Josh complained. “I would have arranged a much better party. Bet the women are having more fun at the castle. Who did you leave to guard them?”

“Ryan and Joe.” Lake sipped his beer.

Josh shot up out of his chair. “No! You left two womanisers with the women. What the hell were

you thinking? If those guys seduce my Caroline, I’m going to have a hit put out on you.” He pointed at Lake.

There was a moment of silence before everyone burst out laughing.

“What the hell?” Josh demanded. “What’s so funny?”

“Caroline,” Mitch sputtered.

Josh looked ready to thump his best friend. “You think Caroline isn’t attractive enough to seduce?”

“Get a grip.” Flynn wiped his eyes. “What he’s saying. What we’re all thinking. Is that Caroline is unseducable. She would never cheat on you. Her head would explode even thinking about it. Not only that, she’d lecture the ears off any man who tried to seduce her.”

“Damn straight.” Josh slumped back, mollified.

“That’s if she even noticed she was being hit on,” Matt said.

Josh grinned. “There is that.”