Flynn nodded, but he clearly didn’t like it. “I wish we could get them out of there to somewhere we know is safer.”

Grunt put a hand on Flynn’s shoulder. “By the time we’re done, that castle will be the most secure place in town.”

“We ready?” Lake said.

Determined stares were his answer.

“Then let’s get out of here.”

Silently, the men left the store and were swallowed whole by darkness and whirling snow.

Even at a run, in knee-deep snow, it would take half an hour to get to the castle.

Half an hour.

It was too long. Anything could happen in half an hour.

And none of it good.


* Joe *

“You heard Alastair,” Joe said to the stunned room once the intercom went silent. “There are two snowmobiles on the way to the castle. Looks like they were waiting for someone after all. Playtime is over, ladies.”

“Were we playing? I wasn’t playing.” Kirsty’s hands shook in her lap. “Nothing about this is fun. I’m supposed to get married tomorrow. How am I going to do that when I’m trapped in here?” Her eyes went wide. “What if they break in and ruin the wedding setup? This is a disaster. It’s a sign. All of it. The weather, the guys with guns, the barricades, the power cut, the fact Lake and I haven’t had sex for three months!”

There was a chorus of outraged gasps Kirsty didn’t seem to notice because she was too busy working her way into the middle of a hysterical meltdown.

“I should have paid attention to the signs. But no, I had to forge on. Forcing this wedding on everyone, including Lake—who obviously doesn’t want it, or he would have at least taken an interest in the planning. He didn’t care about any of it. Not one thing. Now I know why. He doesn’t want to get married.” She waved her arms around. “The universe doesn’t want us to get married.” She stood and glared at everyone in the room. “I’m making a stand. This is an official announcement. The wedding is off. Cancelled. Not happening. Once we’re rescued and don’t have to hide from scary gunmen in white balaclavas, you can all go home and pretend it never happened.”

Everyone in the room gaped at her as tears started to run down her cheeks. Joe and Ryan shared a look of panic. Things were bad enough without dealing with a crying, hysterical woman.

“You don’t mean that.” Caroline wrapped her arms around Kirsty and rubbed her back.

“I do,” Kirsty wailed. “Lake doesn’t want me. The wedding is a disaster. We’ll all be lucky to get out of this alive.” She lifted her head to look at Margaret. “Mum, after we get out of here, I’m coming home with you.”

Margaret rushed across the room to her daughter. “Don’t be silly. Lake loves you. So we didn’t plan for a siege or a blizzard. It doesn’t mean you should call the wedding off. You’re stressed and tired and overreacting.”

Joe didn’t want to point out that the wedding was probably off whether they cancelled it officially or not. There was no way the other guests would get through the snow. And he wasn’t sure if the venue would make it through the next few hours. He doubted the guys outside would be careful of the wedding decoration. Either way, this wedding wasn’t going to happen.

Caroline shot him a determined look. “Do something to hurry this up. We need to get the castle cleared out and tidied in time for tomorrow’s ceremony.”

Joe shook his head. “What do you think I should do?”

“I don’t know.” Caroline started to cry too.

Damn, it was contagious. Joe and Ryan started to back towards the windows.

“Come here,” Jena said, shooting him a glance that said he was pathetic. She led Kirsty and Caroline over to the sofa and sat them down. “Now you both need to calm down. Of course there will be a wedding. It just might not be tomorrow or in the castle. But wherever it happens, I’m sure it will be wonderful.” She patted Kirsty’s hand. “I got married in the hospital after I’d been stuck underground for hours when the mine collapsed, and it was still the most romantic day of my life. The most important thing is that you love Lake and he loves you.”

“But he doesn’t,” Kirsty said. “He doesn’t even touch me.”

“Oh, honey.” Jena waved a dismissive hand. “It’s probably his age. They have little blue pills for that. Trust me.” She looked around at the other women. “Trust all of us. Lake loves you.”

The women nodded, and Kirsty sniffed back her tears. Big, bright, pleading eyes looked at Jena. “You really think so?”

“Yeah, I’m sure. He’s been real busy, is all. Julia?” She called Lake’s assistant out of the bathroom. “Tell her.”