Harry stood beside his brother. “I’m not much use, but I’m not going to hang out here while some losers threaten my wife.”

Lake folded his arms and stared down his friends. “I understand. Our women are there. But we need to work as a team. Got it?”

They nodded.

Lake caught Callum’s eyes and saw his own determination and worry staring back at him.

“We have to go in on foot.” Callum cocked his head towards the window. “Too thick. Roads are covered. A snowmobile would be good. Got one?”

Lake shook his head and vowed he was going to invest in at least one machine when this was over.

“Too noisy,” Grunt pointed out.

“I agree. We don’t know what we’re dealing with—better not to tip them off that we’re there. We go in silent, on foot. We’ll hit my office on the way and clear out the weapon stash.” He looked at Matt, their resident cop. “You want to take over?”

Matt shook his head. “You’re the expert at this sort of thing. My skills lean more towards rescuing cats and breaking up fights in the old folks’ home.”

They both knew that wasn’t true; Matt was very skilled. But he was right about one thing: Lake had more experience with this sort of situation. He nodded his appreciation to Matt.

“What about police backup?” Lake said.

“Not in this weather. The town will be cut off until the heavy-duty snowploughs get through to us. Who knows when that will be. We’re on our own.”

It wasn’t anything Lake didn’t already know. “Is there a landline in the castle?” he asked Josh.

Josh grimaced. “Cordless phones. They all need power.”

“Damn, there are times when technology doesn’t help,” said the hacker.

“Aye.” Flynn patted his brother’s back.

“Grunt?” Lake had to ask, even though he knew where the man’s loyalty lay.

“I need to stay with Claire.”

Lake nodded. Just as he thought. But he’d miss his skill.

“Hell no,” Claire said, sitting up straight. “I’m safe here. They need you. You need to go—you’re the biggest guy they’ve got.”

Grunt smiled at his wife. “Bigger isn’t always better, baby. You sure?”

She nodded. “Mum and Megan are there. I’ll be happier knowing you and Matt are looking out for each other and for them. Dougal will take care of me.”

“You can count on it,” Dougal said.

“I’ll help,” Betty added, which didn’t reassure anyone.

“I love you,” Grunt said before kissing his wife. Hard.

“Okay.” Lake looked around the room at his friends. “Dougal, Betty and the naked guys will hold down the fort here. Everybody else, wrap up and follow me.”

As one, the men pulled on snow boots, padded jackets, hats and gloves. Silently, they stepped out into the blizzard and followed Lake the short distance up the high street to his business. The snow was thick underfoot, covering the cobblestone road and pavements, making the street one wide expanse of white. The wind howled, biting into exposed skin. Only the light coming from the pub’s windows illuminated the way. The rest of Invertary was black. And silent. The eerie desolation filled Lake with a sense of foreboding.

He pushed open the door to the security shop part of his business. He sold home security systems and some survival gear. The shop made very little money, and he’d been thinking of shutting it down. Now he was glad he hadn’t. He flicked on one of the demo security lamps he sold. It cast the room in a warm glow.

“Grunt,” he said. “Get everyone armed.”

The big guy headed for the locked armoury in the back office.