When they did, Claire was wrapped in the oversized robe and snuggled on Grunt’s lap as he sat with his legs stretched out in front of him on the floor. There was some colour in her cheeks, but she still shivered. Grunt rubbed her hands and whispered to her as Lake felt the hair on his neck stand on end. The Donaldson twins were wild, but they weren’t rash. They wouldn’t walk through this weather if they didn’t have a damn good reason.

“What happened?” Matt crouched in front of the pair, every muscle in his body on alert. It was clear he itched to take his younger sister from her husband and care for Claire himself. “Is Megan still at the castle?”

“Here.” Dougal pushed through the sombre men. “This will help.” He handed a large, steaming mug of hot chocolate to Grunt.

“Sip, baby.” He held the mug to Claire’s lips.

She sipped as they waited. Every second felt like a lifetime.

“They need you,” Claire said between sips.

“Who?” Grunt said.

“Is it Megan?” Matt said. “Jena?” Lake put a hand on his friend’s shoulder as he said his wife’s name.

They all had the same fear. It was dark, the snow was thick and their women were cut off at the castle.

Claire looked up at her brother, then at Lake. His heart stopped beating. His breath froze.

“There are men at the castle. Megan and I were

sent to get you. We knocked out one of the guys, took his gun and dragged him back into the castle for questioning.”

There was a collective intake of air.

“Oh my goodness,” Dougal said with a tremble in his voice.

Claire shook some more. Grunt made her take another sip as they waited, tense and ready for action. None of the men voiced their fears. They didn’t have to. They all had the same ones.

“I came on my own while Megan dealt with the guy. Joe sent us after we heard gunfire.” Her bottom lip trembled as a tear escaped. “I think it came from the front gate.”

“The other women?” Lake asked. Kirsty. Was Kirsty okay? A spike of panic zapped through him before deadly calm set in. He was in control. He would deal with this.

No one threatened his woman.

Claire looked up at him, shock in her eyes. “Joe moved them up to the tower bedroom. When I left they were fine—Mum was organising everyone to defend the castle. Ryan is in there with them too. Phones are down and the power is out.”

The tears fell faster now shock had set in. Grunt rubbed her back with one hand as he held the mug of hot chocolate with the other. “It’s okay,” he murmured. “It’s going to be okay. We’ll take care of it. Don’t worry.”

He gave Lake a look that was pure fire. Lake nodded once. Absolutely—they would take care of it.

“How many men?” Lake heard the steel in his own voice.

“I don’t know.” Claire closed her eyes briefly. “At least three—including the one we knocked out.” She looked up at him. “But I heard engines when I left. There might be more now.”

“Think, Claire,” Lake said. “More than one engine?”

“Yes.” She frowned. “Yes, more than one. Definitely two. Are they going to be okay?” Her voice trembled.

“Yeah, they’re gonna be good.” Grunt tucked her head under his chin, put the mug on the floor and wrapped her in his arms. Cold eyes, filled with rage, turned to Lake. “Plan?”

Lake looked around the room and took note of the number of men who had combat or police training. It wasn’t good. Most of his men were out on jobs. That left only Callum, Grunt, Matt and himself with the skills to deal with this situation. The other guys would be out of their element. Possibly more of a danger than a help.

“Don’t even think about leaving us out.” Josh read his mind. “That castle is my home. My pregnant wife is in there. Just. Don’t.” Fury emanated from the singer.

“I go where he goes,” Mitch said.

“I’m in too,” Flynn said. “Abby’s in there. And our twins. You can’t keep me away from them. I go with you, or I go alone.”