“Oil is good for wood,” Caroline said. “I just hope the rest of the castle doesn’t get damaged.” She tugged Joe’s sleeve to make him look at her. “You don’t think they’ll shoot my castle, or break anything, do you?”

Kirsty was shaking her head and waving her arms behind Caroline. Joe got the less-than-subtle message.

“I’m sure they’ll respect this lovely historical building,” he said.

Caroline smiled and everyone else sighed with relief.

“I like zis. It is like, how you say, a sleeping party, non?” the prisoner called from the bed. “I have ze cookie, s’il vous plait?”

Shona looked at Megan to see if the prisoner was allowed a cookie. Megan frowned at her. “No, we’re not giving him a cookie.”

“We’re not doing anything else with him either,” Shona said. “So far you’ve just asked him questions and he’s laughed. Or flirted. You need to up the torture. You need to inflict pain.”

“I know,” Megan wailed. “But this isn’t as easy as I thought it would be.”

“Twist his nipples. That’s sore,” Shona suggested. The prisoner looked like he might laugh again.

Megan glared at him, reached to the floor to nab a kitchen knife, then sliced his black shirt wide open. It hung to the sides of his chest, lying flat against his open suede jacket.

“Oh my,” Shona said. “It’s been a long time since I’ve seen a six-pack. Can I touch it?”

“No!” Megan leaned over, pinched a nipple and twisted.

The guy chuckled.

“Anyone else find this deeply disturbing?” Ryan asked. “I feel like I’m watching a really bad porn movie.”

“Try candle wax,” Shona said. “I bet if you pour it on his privates that will make him talk.”

“This is painful to watch. I can’t take any more,” Ryan said. “Step aside, ladies.”

He stalked across the room and punched the guy on the jaw. The prisoner’s head came back around slowly as he licked blood from the corner of his mouth.

“You’ll regret that,” he told Ryan.

Megan shot to her feet. “Where did the French accent go? You’re not French at all, are you?”

The guy gave her a sexy smile. “I can be anything you want me to be, baby.”

Shona reached over and slapped him.

“Shona!” Megan shouted.

“What?” Shona said. “We’re allowed to hit him now. Ryan did it.”

“Tell us what you know,” Ryan barked at the guy.

Joe shook his head. This approach wasn’t going to work either.

“I don’t think so,” the guy said. “I think I’m just going to lie here and enjoy the fun.”

“Bastard,” Ryan said as he lifted his fist.

“No more hitting.” Megan stepped between Ryan and the guy. “There has to be another way.”

“Go ahead. Tickle the answers out of him. I’ll be here when you

give up.” Ryan sauntered back to Joe.