“Time to kiss,” Lake whispered.

“Yeah,” Kirsty said.

He tipped his head towards hers and his lips stole her senses. His strong arms wrapped around her; his hands were flat and possessive on her back. Vaguely, she thought there was cheering and clapping. She didn’t care. She was lost in the man she loved.

And she was married.

On Leap Day.

Their kiss ended far too quickly as one by one their friends and family came to congratulate them. Lake’s hot gaze promised they’d pick up where they’d left off later. Kirsty couldn’t wait.

“Josh Mark Two is missing,” Josh told them miserably, handing them each a glass of champagne at the same time.

Kirsty noted that Caroline looked particularly gleeful at the news.

“I think one of the women ran off with him.” Josh eyed the Knit Or Die women, who were laughing raucously as they tried to line-dance in the middle of the room. “I feel sick thinking about what they’re going to do with him. It can’t be good. I’m going to miss that doll. I used to take him on tour and use him as a paparazzi decoy.” He grinned. “There are photos out there of a rubber doll that people think are me.”

Kirsty wasn’t sure that was a good thing. If you were interchangeable with a rubber doll, then you should be worried. Apparently Josh wasn’t.

“I’m sorry about the castle,” Kirsty said to Caroline.

“Why? It wasn’t your fault.” She looked bewildered.

Josh kissed the little worry lines that appeared on Caroline’s forehead.

“I don’t think I can sleep in my bedroom anymore, though,” Caroline said. “There are bullet holes in my walls and my bathroom was destroyed. What wasn’t killed by the gunmen was ruined by the fireworks. There are black burn marks on my ceiling.” Her eyes went wide at the thought. “Plus, I can’t get the sight of Dimitri tied to my bed out of my head.”

“We’ve got plenty of other rooms,” Josh reassured her.

“And holes can be fixed,” Kirsty said. “Furniture can be replaced. You’ll have the place sorted in no time and all this will just be a bad memory. You love this castle. Heck, you got married just to get your hands on it.”

“There is that,” Caroline said. “But I’m not sure if I’ll ever believe the children will be safe here.” She placed a hand on her stomach.

“Yes, you will, because you’ll make sure this place has security to rival Buckingham Palace when you’re through with it.” Kirsty cuddled close to Lake. Although he wasn’t showing any outward signs that he was amused, she could feel his body tremble and knew he was doing that silent laughing thing. “I know you, Caroline McInnes. You’ve been keeping a mental list since the lights went out. As soon as you’re able, the castle will be fitted with a generator. There will be independently powered satellite phones. The windows will have discreet metal shutters that appear from nowhere at the touch of a button and there will be at least two snowmobiles in the garage.”

Caroline almost smiled. “We don’t have a garage.”

“There you go, something else to add to the list. You love lists. This will be great. It’s been ages since you’ve had a decent project.”

Caroline’s shoulders relaxed slightly. “I had a project. I helped plan your wedding.” She bit her bottom lip. “I’m really sorry it was a complete disaster.”

“It wasn’t a complete disaster.” Kirsty looked around at the room filled with people she loved. “It was perfect. I couldn’t have planned a better wedding.”

Lake leaned down and kissed her softly in agreement.

“Even with the castle in such a mess?” Caroline worried her bottom lip.

“It looks beautiful from where I’m standing,” Kirsty said.

“Don’t worry, baby,” Josh said. “We’ll throw some money at the castle and it will all be fine.”

Caroline frowned at him. “You and money. It isn’t the answer to everything.”

Josh’s famous blue eyes twinkled as he looked down at his wife. “Name one thing it can’t fix?”

“The weather,” Caroline said solemnly.

“You win.” Josh kissed his wife, making her blush as everyone else laughed. “But for everything else, there’s money.”