“Son.” The old, bulldog of a man stared up at Lake. “It’s late. I’m tired and the snow is making my arthritis act up. If you want the long version, wait ‘til the morning. Or spring. Wait ‘til spring.”

Lake took a deep breath and looked at the ceiling while Kirsty giggled. “Fine.” His eyes came back down to fix on Kirsty. “I do.”

There was a loud cheer, which made the vicar grumble and demand silence.

“You’d think they were born in a barn.” He turned to Kirsty. “Kirsty Campbell, do you take Lake Benson...”

“Benson-McLeod,” Betty interrupted. “I’m adopting him.”

The vicar glared at her. “Have you done the paperwork? Do you have proof of name change?”

She didn’t say anything, but her hand gesture spoke volumes. The vicar narrowed his eyes and took a step towards his nemesis.

“Lake Benson.” Lake tugged the neck of Betty’s dress to keep her in place. “Just Benson.”

“That’s an insult, son.” Betty got a calculating gleam in her eye. “How about naming the firstborn after me instead?”

“Done,” Lake said.

“Lake!” Kirsty smacked him with her bouquet as Betty cackled.

He shrugged. “She’s old. She’ll be dead by then. She won’t know what we call him.”

He had a point. Betty kicked Lake in the back of his leg, making him flinch.

“Do you,” shouted the vicar, “Kirsty Campbell, take Lake Benson. Only Benson. To have and to hold from this day forward until death do you part?”

“I do,” Kirsty said, and there was another whoop.

“Great. I now pronounce you man and wife. You may kiss the bride.” The vicar took a step towards the buffet.

“What about rings?” Lake said.

“Have at it,” Reverend Morrison called over his shoulder as he kept on walking.

“We need a new vicar,” Caroline said.

“Amen to that,” shouted the vicar.

Lake took Kirsty’s hand in his, glaring at everyone as though daring them to move. Nobody did. In fact, they looked like they were more than happy to keep on enjoying the show.

“Kirsty Benson,?

? Lake said, sending a shiver down her spine. He took her left hand in his and pulled a ring from his pocket. He’d wisely decided not to entrust his best man with the rings. “Kirsty, I give you this ring as a symbol of my love for you. This ring has no end, as my love is never-ending. This ring is made to endure the harsh wear and tear of life, just like my love for you. This ring is made of precious metal, as you are precious to me. Wear this ring as a reminder that everything I am and have is yours. My love is eternal. And only for you.”

There was a round of applause and wolf whistles as her blonde warrior put the ring on her finger.

Kirsty felt a tear escape and run down her cheek.

“I think I’m going to puke,” Betty declared.

“Here.” Lake handed Kirsty his ring. “You don’t have to say anything.”

She took the gold band and looked up at the man she loved. “No, I want to.” She took a deep breath and held his hands tight in hers. “Lake Benson. You came into my life and changed everything. You made me feel beautiful and worthy. You made me feel loved and desired. When I met you, I honestly never thought I’d ever be able to get over my past enough to love someone. You helped me to do exactly that. As well as giving me your love, you’ve given me the world. A world in which I’m no longer insecure or afraid. For that, I will always love you.”

She slid the ring onto his finger.

“I need a whisky,” Betty grumbled, and stomped off.