“Matt!” Jena screamed. “Don’t get shot, baby.”

“Don’t worry,” Matt’s mother shouted. “We’ve got this under control.”

And then all hell broke loose—and it took the form of whizzing rockets, blasts of light and bursts of sparkles.

“Crap,” Josh said. “They found the firework stash.”

Lake watched in amazement as the back garden exploded around them. “Take cover,” he snapped. “They have no control over these things.”

He ducked back into the kitchen just as a massive rocket took out a planter. The explosions and blinding bursts of light carried on for a couple of minutes as fireworks flew randomly across the yard instead of into the air. When the noise died down, the air was filled with smoke and the snow had black burn tracks through it.

“Eight,” Grunt said. “Taken out by a flying Roman candle.”

“Ow,” Flynn said. “That had to hurt. The guy looks like he’s been scalped.”

“Burnt off his balaclava,” Grunt agreed as Lake came up beside them.

“Get Megan,” Lake ordered Grunt, and the man mountain was instantly gone.

Shots hit the snow behind Lake and Flynn, making them dive for cover.

“No!” Harry shouted. “I’ve been hit, I’ve been hit. They killed my laptop. It’s okay, baby, it’s okay. Papa’s going to dig out the nasty bullet and you’ll be good as new.”

“You’re embarrassing me,” Flynn said.

“It’s my favourite laptop,” Harry said.

Lake kept low to the ground and crept back into the kitchen. He ran across the room, aimed at the guy pinning Harry down and fired through the glass window. Twice. One in each leg. The guy went down with a howl, firing wildly. As soon he was on the ground, Matt rushed out and removed the gun, but ignored the writhing man.

“Nine,” Matt said.

Lake watched from his spot beside the kitchen door as Matt produced some plastic ties from his pocket and secured the fallen guy’s arms and legs.

“Clear this side,” Callum said.

“Clear out front,” Mitch said.

“I’m pissed I didn’t see any action,” Josh said.

“Go find your wife,” Mitch told him. “That’ll cheer you up.”

“I’ll scout round the perimeter,” Matt said, and took off at a run.

Harry and Flynn came out from their hiding spot and headed towards the castle. Flynn walked up to the injured men lying bound in the snow and tasered each of them.

“Just in case,” he said.

“Is it over?” Abby shouted. “Did you get them all?”

Flynn looked up at his pregnant wife, the relief plain on his face. “It’s over, sugar. You okay? The babies?”

She looked down at her belly then smiled at her husband. “We’re fine.” She looked behind her into the master bedroom. “We’ve made a bit of a mess in here, though. Jean accidentally set off a firework in the wrong direction. Where’s Megan?”

Matt came running up as Abby asked about his sister. He looked at Lake. “All clear.”

Lake nodded. “Boys, get the prisoners and the wounded inside. Matt, you’re with me. Let’s get your sister.

They took off at a run after Megan.