Enough of this crap. “You won’t be any help to me. You’ll be a hindrance. You know nothing about this sort of thing. Bloody hell, Rainne, you’re a pacifist.”

“And I suppose you learned all about dealing with a bunch of armed intruders while you were standing about in a river with your rod in your hand!”

He couldn’t help the smile that broke out.

Her cheeks went red. “Fishing rod. I mean fishing rod.”

“I’m a guy,” he said. “We know how to fight.”

She threw up her hands in disgust. “You’re trying to tell me it’s a genetic thing? Really?”

“You’ve never hit a person in your life,” he pointed out. “You think you can start now?”

“I hit you. Twice, if you include the demo just now.”

He rolled his eyes. “Well done, Rocky. You’re still not coming with me.”

He could see her trying to figure out the Rocky reference, but she quickly gave up. Instead she looked up at him with an unholy gleam in her eye. “I don’t have to hit anyone. All I need to do is cause a diversion to buy the women in the castle some time until help comes. I can blow up their transport.”

Damn, she was sexy when she was smug. And, he had to admit, it wasn’t a bad plan.

“Thanks for the idea. Now stay here while I implement it.”

Fury again. Spectacular.

“No,” was all she said.

“Fine.” He sighed, and she looked triumphant for about a second. “I’ll tie you to the desk until I get back.” He took a step towards her and she squeaked.

He expected her to fight, but instead she ran for the intercom and put her finger on the “all rooms” button, ready to flick it on. Her eyes narrowed. “You let me go with you or I broadcast our whereabouts, and plan, to all the bad guys in the castle.”

He stopped dead in his tracks and stared at her. Every muscle in her curvy body vibrated with tension. Her hand didn’t sha

ke. Her brow was furrowed in determination.

He wavered. “You wouldn’t.”

Her lips thinned. “I would.”

“You could get us both killed.”

“Better than watching you walk into the snow alone. Make your decision. You have to the count of five, then I’m talking. One.” She cocked an eyebrow at him, exactly the same ploy Lake used to intimidate. On Rainbow it was cute.

He had a sudden flash of her with troublesome kids at her feet, counting down to get them to do what they were told.

“Two,” she said.

He shook his head to clear it. He must have a concussion. It was the only reason he could come up with for the fact his mind kept wandering into territory he’d closed off long ago.

“Three,” she gritted out.

Alastair ran a hand through his overgrown hair. Even lifting his arm to head height was painful. Maybe she had a point about him needing some help. But did it have to be her? What if she got hurt?

“Four.” She pulled back her shoulders.

She was going to do it. The crazy woman would do it.

“Fine,” he snapped. “You can come with me.”