He was chuckling when she secured the gag with a scarf.

“Don’t damage the walls or mouldings,” Caroline shouted hysterically, making Joe spin towards her. The bloody woman was on the intercom. “And you had better not get a scratch on that flooring. If I find one bullet hole in my walls, I’ll—”

Joe sprinted to her side and dragged her away. He took her to the couch and, gently as he could under the circumstances, pushed her into it. While she protested, he grabbed Kirsty’s arm and thrust her into the seat beside her friend. He pointed at them.

“You two are staying right there. I don’t care what happens.” He pointed at Caroline. “No more shouting at the guys with guns.” He pointed at Kirsty. “You have one job—keep Caroline away from the windows and the intercom.”

He stalked away. This was a nightmare. He felt like Arnie in Kindergarten Cop.

“I don’t think he’s very happy with me,” Caroline said behind him.

“No kidding.” Kirsty muttered. “You know, someday this might be funny.”

“If we survive,” Caroline said.

“There is that,” Kirsty said.

And Joe found himself considering whether it would be less stressful to surrender to the enemy.


* Rainne and Alastair *

“We need to do something to help them,” Alastair said. “You heard Caroline.” He pointed at the intercom, in case she’d missed the hysterical rant. “They’re inside the castle.” He paced the small space, frustrated by the walls hemming him in.

“Help how? You can barely stand.” Rainne folded her arms over her pink fluffy sweater. It undermined her determination to appear intimidating.

“What the hell am I doing now, then?” He was standing, damn it.

He watched her pause, take a breath then raise her jaw slightly before looking him in the eye. This was new behaviour. Something she’d learned these past three years. She was standing her ground, and he couldn’t help the surge of pride that flowed through him as he watched her do it. Pride from the position of someone who used to know her. Not from the position of someone who was currently invested. Because he wasn’t. Not at all.

He shook off his thoughts and got back to the main topic. The only topic. “I’m not going to sit in here like a scared princess and let my friends get assaulted by a bunch of Die Hard 2 villains.”

She looked blank. Some things never changed. This was what happened when you grew up in a commune: you missed the cultural references everyone else took for granted.

Cute little lines appeared between her brows as she frowned at him. “Is that a geek reference?”

“First, I’m not a geek. Second, it’s a movie. Guys dressed in white with guns. Fights in the snow. One man out to save the world and eliminate the bad guys.” Nope, she still looked blank. “Not important. The important thing is, I’m going out there to help. You stay here. Keep warm and safe.”

Her eyes blazed, and damn if she didn’t look even more beautiful. Now that he knew she had a temper, it was tempting to make her lose it just to see the passion in her eyes.

“You have got to be out of your tiny mind.” She seemed shocked at the words coming out of her mouth, but it didn’t stop her. Alastair found part of his brain was rooting for her. “You can’t go out there alone. You’re injured. What happens if you collapse in the snow? What happens if you get another blow to the head? At the very least, you need someone watching your back so they can drag you away when you pass out again.” She gave him a determined stare. “You need me.”

He was enjoying her little tirade until the last three words. They hit him like arrows. “No. I don’t need you.”

“Really?” Her hand shot out, lightning fast, and prodded him in the ribs.

Alastair saw stars. Real freaking stars. Right there. In front of him. The pain made his knees weaken, and he wobbled where he stood.

“It’s okay, I’ve got you.” Rainne was against his side, giving him something to lean on.

It took a minute to get past the surge of pain. When he did, he pulled away from her.

“What the hell, Rainbow?”

“I was proving a point.” She blinked up at him, her eyes filled with stubborn determination. “I can prove it again if you’d like.”

He took a step back from her. Which made her smile smugly.