“Now that’s a shame,” Deke said. “I would have liked to show you around. This is a cute little town.”

“Rainne has already seen the town.” Alastair folded his arms and took a step towards them. “She used to live here.”

“Is that right?” Deke looked amused. Dickhead. He smiled at Rainne. “Well, maybe you can show me around after the wedding?”

Rainne blushed again. Why wasn’t she telling the guy to get lost? Where was her common sense?

“Let’s get you to the castle before we get stuck in the snow together.” Deke pressed his hand to Rainne’s lower back as he turned her towards the door. “Although you don’t need to worry. If we get stuck in my truck, I have a survival kit and we can cuddle up for warmth.”

Alastair had heard enough. “I’ll take her.” The words were out of his mouth before he could stop them.

Three sets of eyes turned on him. Jodie was smug, Deke amused and Rainne shocked.

“Don’t worry.” Deke put his hand on Rainne’s shoulder in a possessive gesture. “I’ve got this.”

Alastair waited a beat, but Rainne didn’t shrug off Deke’s touch—as she should have done. She didn’t even know the guy, yet here she was letting him touch her. She didn’t have the sense God gave a snail. No normal woman let a strange guy paw her like that. It was a wonder she’d survived in Glasgow these past years. On top of that, she didn’t know Deke from Adam and she was planning to get into a car with him. Okay, so Alastair knew he was a good guy, but that wasn’t the point. It wasn’t like she’d asked his opinion. Which would ha

ve been the sensible thing to do.

Alastair glared pointedly at Deke’s hand. “I’m leaving right now anyway. No point in you going out. I’m passing the castle.”

“Alastair, I don’t think...” Rainne still stood too close to Deke.

Alastair strode towards her. “Come on, Rainne. We’re going.” He walked between her and Deke, making the man step back and drop his hold on her.

Rainne looked bewildered but didn’t follow him. Instead she sent a pleading look towards Deke, asking for help. This was exactly what Alastair meant. She trusted far too easily.

“It’s only a lift, Rainne. Get in the car.” Alastair threw open the front door, ensuring the heat flooded out into the icy night. It was the least that interfering Jodie deserved. Maybe while she was freezing her backside off she’d think about why she shouldn’t meddle in people’s lives.

“I, I...” Rainne still didn’t move. Her pale blue eyes looked slightly panicked.

Deke’s amusement faded, and he eyed Rainne with concern. “I’ll get my keys.”

“Rainne.” Alastair softened his voice. A little. Not too much. “I can take you. It’s no big deal. Do you want Deke to go out in the snow just for you?”

Okay, so it was a low blow to make her feel guilty, but this was pathetic. He could take her to the castle. It wasn’t a big deal.

Her cheeks went red again. “Yes, you’re right. I’m sorry.” She turned to Deke and smiled. “Of course you should stay here. No point in getting cold when Alastair is going that way anyway. Thanks for the offer, though.”

“Anytime, gorgeous.” He smiled at Rainne before frowning at Alastair. “I’m sure Alastair will take good care of you and make sure your trip is totally uneventful.”

In other words, don’t make her cry. Again.

“Let’s go,” Alastair said to Rainne, and watched as she dragged herself towards him.

Like a woman to the gallows.


* Lake *

“Why did you pick Betty for your best man?” Matt Donaldson grumbled over his beer.

The stag party had taken over the only pub in Invertary and the entertainment had fallen to the best man—eighty-nine-year-old Betty. Or as the locals called her—Satan.

“He picked me because I have bigger balls than the lot of you,” Satan said, followed by her trademark cackle. “Look at you. Bunch of wee boys whining and complaining. There isn’t a proper man amongst you.”

There was a grunt. Betty’s head spun towards the behemoth known as Grunt. “Okay,” she conceded. “Maybe you can pass for a man. Or a mountain. Whatever.”