“Please tell me you’re not matchmaking.” Deke groaned. “You’re crap at it, Jo. You know that; your track record speaks for itself. Leave the guy alone.”

“It’s Leap Day tomorrow. The day traditionally set aside for women to pour out their hearts without being trodden on. The day they can propose without being mocked. That opportunity only comes once every four years, boys. It’s sacred to women. And he”—she pointed a talon at Alastair—“was mean to a girl. I’m pretty sure there’s a law against that.”

Deke barked out a laugh. “Like you care about Leap Year. You don’t have a romantic bone in your body. Give it up; you only want to mess with him.”

Alastair found himself nodding. He’d only known Jodie a couple of months, but that sounded spot-on.

“Whatever, Leap Year, sheep year. Who cares? The point is, he was mean. Are you telling me you feel nothing for that girl?” Jodie pointed towards the front door.

Alastair ignored her. It was none of her business what he did or didn’t feel for Rainne.

She threw up her hands in disgust. “Fine, I’ll leave it alone. But I’m seriously disappointed in you.” She stuck her nose in the air and stomped out of the room.

Alastair looked at Deke. “Am I supposed to feel bad now?”

“Yep. She’s losing her touch. I’ve seen her bring grown men to their knees with that move.” Deke eyed the doorway thoughtfully. “I wonder if she’s sick?”

The doorbell rang, and Jodie shouted that she’d answer it.

“I need to get going or the truck’s going to get snowed in.” Alastair watched the thick snowfall outside the kitchen window.

“Haven’t seen a storm like this in years,” Deke said.

“Aye, it’s a bad one.”

“Deke,” Jodie called in a singsong voice that made Alastair’s hair stand on end.

He flashed a look at Deke, who seemed equally suspicious.

“What?” Deke called.

They watched as Jodie appeared in the doorway, a gleeful smile on her face. She stepped to the side to reveal the person standing behind her. Rainne. Of course it was Rainne.

“This is Rainne. She came to talk to Alastair, but now her car won’t start. Can you take her to the castle?”

Rainne’s eyes were red and swollen as she looked everywhere but at him. Hell. He’d made her cry.

“Sure thing, gorgeous.” Deke pushed off from the counter where he’d been leaning. “Let me get my coat and keys.”

“Thanks.” Rainne tucked a strand of hair behind her ear and smiled at Deke.

Three years ago she’d had long rainbow-coloured hair; now it was light brown and skimmed her shoulders. Grown-up hair. Serious hair. Like changing her dye job would change the woman inside. Yeah, right.

“No problem.” Deke stopped in front of Rainne and held out his hand. “I’m Deke, Jodie’s brother.”

Rainne blushed, and Alastair went rigid as Deke held on longer than necessary.

“I haven’t seen you about town,” Deke said.

Rainne’s eyes flicked to the floor before she looked back up at the traitorous bastard. “I’m Lake’s sister. Here for the wedding.”

“Staying long?”

What the hell? He was flirting with her? Couldn’t he see her red eyes? Her distress? She wasn’t in any fit state to deal with his sloppy come-on. Alastair frowned at his soon-to-be ex-friend. It slid off him.

“No, I don’t think so.” Rainne’s eyes flickered to Alastair for a beat.

And bloody Deke still hadn’t let go of her hand.