As one, the men laughed at Mitch.

“What?” he demanded. “What’s so funny? I’m not the one wrapped around somebody’s finger.”

Harry pointed at him. “You insist on jinxing yourself, man.” He shouted at Dougal, “Start a new board. Put Mitch’s name on it. I bet one hundred pounds he falls hard before the year is out.”

Dougal grinned as he turned the chalkboard over, wiping off the heading of Calamity Jena. “Any other takers?”

Mitch smirked as the bets were made. “You know what they say, a fool and his money are easily parted. Well, say goodbye to your money, suckers, because I’m too smart to tie myself to one woman.”

There was more laughter.

That was when the earth shook. A huge blast vibrated through Invertary. A minute later, it was followed by a much larger one.

“What the hell?” Matt was on his feet and running towards the door.

The men were close on his heels as they ran into the street. In the distance, on the edge of town by the hills and the old mine, was a massive plume of black smoke.

“Jena,” Matt said.

“Damn,” Josh said. “Has she blown

something up?”

Matt snapped, “Everyone to their cars.” He looked at Dougal. “Call the doc. Get fire and medical out here too.”

“On it,” Dougal said as he bustled off.

The men ran to their cars.

“Take this.” Lake thrust an earpiece into Matt’s hand. “Stay connected. I’ve got my men coming in.”

The men kicked their cars into gear and headed towards the source of the explosions. Matt gripped the steering wheel until his knuckles were white. He prayed Jena was okay. She had to be okay. She had to.

Matt had dropped Jena off at her house early, telling her he had a breakfast meeting with the men. She’d grinned—gossip session, more like. She’d kissed him goodbye, leaving herself breathless and regretting his absence, then she’d hiked up her stereo volume and blasted Taylor Swift as she finished tiling the kitchen.

With Matt’s help, the room was coming together nicely. The walls were a lovely, soft eggshell blue, and the tiles were bright white with a navy accent. The counters had been ripped out and the floors sanded. All that was left in the room was an old white butler’s sink she’d salvaged and bleached, and her ancient fridge. Even her oven was in the dump as she waited for the new one Magenta was dropping off later in the week. Gordon had sourced a set of kitchen cupboards for her at cost price. They were cheaper than usual, as they were factory seconds. The small areas of damage on the white wooden doors were negligible, but it still brought the price way down. And the best part about the deal was her working the costs off in the shop. Gordon had also volunteered to show her how to install the units. Life was good.

She grinned around the room. Her kitchen was going to be gorgeous. Just like a real kitchen, in a real home. If she let herself, she could imagine a family here. Her family, maybe with tiny boys running around, all with Matt’s blue eyes and black hair. She shook her dream off as she concentrated on aligning the tiles. She worried her bottom lip, not wanting to make a mistake.

That was when the doorbell rang. With a grump about being interrupted, Jena went to answer it. She wiped her hands on her faded jeans and tugged at her vintage Backstreet Boys T-shirt. Her hair was in a messy knot on top of her head and her feet were bare. Whoever was at the door would have to take her as they found her.

Her smile disappeared as soon as the door swung open. Frank was smirking at her.

“Thought you’d get rid of me that easy?”

Jena jerked back as she tried to slam the door. Frank was too fast for her. He pushed the door back and grabbed her arm.

“You’re coming with me,” he spat at her. “You’re going to come back to Atlantic City and do as you’re told. Or you’ll regret it.”

“I already regret knowing you.”

He lifted her, holding her tight against his body as he marched towards his car. Jena struggled, clawing at Frank. Yelling for help. It was useless. He just propelled her towards his car.

She noticed two other cars beside his. The men leaning against them were hard, scarred and terrifying. Jena stiffened with fear, making Frank laugh.

“I picked up some friends of mine on the way through Glasgow. What you and that asshole cop keep forgetting is I got connections. You don’t mess with me and get away with it.” He wrapped his hands tight in Jena’s hair to stop her from struggling. “Boys, get it done.”

One of the men nodded. He leered at Jena as he pulled his car door open. “Do we get to play with her on the way back?”